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FTC Imposes Record Fine on Texas Energy Companies for HSR "Gun Jumping"

During antitrust review between M&A signing and closing, HSR rules restrict an acquiror from beginning to control the target's business....more

Federal Agencies Coordinate Action Against Celsius for Fraud and Manipulation

In Short - The Situation: In parallel federal actions, the Department of Justice ("DOJ"), Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC"), Commodity Futures Trading Commission ("CFTC"), and Federal Trade Commission ("FTC")...more

Antitrust Alert: FTC Merger Settlement Exposes Rift Over Antitrust Merger Enforcement

The Federal Trade Commission, by a 3-2 party-line vote, has settled a vertical merger challenge in exchange for the merging companies' behavioral commitments. The decision and Commissioner statements signal tension for FTC...more

U.S. Antitrust Agencies Introduce Reforms to Speed Up Merger Reviews

The Trump Administration leadership at the U.S. Department of Justice and Federal Trade Commission have announced reforms regarding merger reviews. This Jones Day White Paper reviews these reforms and their strategic...more

DOJ Toughens Antitrust Consent Decree Enforcement

The Situation: The U.S. Department of Justice Antitrust Division ("DOJ") has adopted new terms in recent consent decrees that enhance DOJ's ability to enforce its settlements, most importantly by lowering the evidentiary...more

ACCC Increases Enforcement of Consumer Guarantees Against Airlines

The Situation: Following consumer complaints, the Australian Competition and Consumer Regulator ("ACCC") has released a report reminding airlines of obligations when dealing with the flying public. Looking Ahead: The ACCC...more

Antitrust Bills Seek to Thwart Mega Mergers and Expand Antitrust Enforcement

In Short - The Situation: Democrats have proposed legislation that would make it easier for antitrust agencies to challenge mergers. - The Background: This announcement followed a proposal made in August, known as the "Better...more

Antitrust Alert: FTC Merger Remedies Report Signals Tougher Enforcement

The Federal Trade Commission staff have completed a new study evaluating its process for designing and implementing merger remedies and the success of the remedies it has imposed in the past. Its report—"The FTC's Merger...more

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