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New Information Technology Security Requirements for Critical Infrastructure Facilities in Alberta

On May 31, 2025, the Alberta Security Management for Critical Infrastructure Regulation (the Regulation) will come into force and is expected to alter existing security requirements for critical resource infrastructure in...more

Trends and AI Potential in Proptech

Proptech Collective just released their latest report on key trends that will shape Canada’s proptech ecosystem in 2025. AI is emerging as a transformative force, and the report explores its potential impact across the...more

Clearing the Deadwood: Inactive Trademarks at Risk as Section 45 Pilot Project Announced

On December 12, 2024, the Canadian Trademarks Opposition Board (TMOB) announced plans to initiate a pilot project in January 2025 whereby the Registrar of Trademarks will proactively issue a limited number of section 45...more

Canadian Securities Administrators Issue Notice on Use of Artificial Intelligence

On December 5, 2024, the Canadian Securities Administrators (CSA) published CSA Staff Notice and Consultation 11-348: Applicability of Canadian Securities Laws and the use of Artificial Intelligence Systems in Capital Markets...more

Proposed Changes to Alberta Public-Sector Privacy and Access to Information Laws

On November 6, 2024, the Alberta government introduced Bill C-33 and Bill C-34 which aim to replace the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act with: (1) the Protection of Privacy Act; and (2) the Access to...more

Heightened Privacy Obligations for Organizations in Alberta: Changes May Be on the Horizon

The review of Alberta's Personal Information Protection Act (PIPA) currently underway by the Alberta Standing Committee on Resource Stewardship (the Committee) continues, with the Privacy Commissioner of Canada recently...more

Top Five Things to Know About Proptech in Canada

We are in the midst of a digital transformation of all aspects of the real estate industry, including development, marketing, transactions, financing and management. The convergence of property and technology, known as...more

Unchartered Territories: Canadian Courts and Law Societies Grapple with the Use of Generative Artificial Intelligence Tools

Canadian courts and law societies, alike, are faced with an ever-evolving challenge: straddling the line between recognizing the potential benefits of emergent generative artificial intelligence (GenAI), while balancing the...more

Navigating the Legal Landscape of AI

Bennett Jones welcomed the opportunity to present a practical, opportunity and risk focused approach to the governance of Artificial Intelligence (AI) at the board level to the Institute of Corporate Directors. While AI is...more

[Webinar] AI Insights: Foundations - April 23rd, 10:00 am - 1:00 pm MT

Our goal is to cut through the hype and noise, while zeroing in on how AI and its evolving regulation will impact your business, your competitors and the markets in which you operate....more

The Supreme Court of Canada Recognizes Privacy Rights in IP Addresses

In a first-of-its-kind decision, R. v. Bykovets, 2024 SCC 6 (Bykovets), the Supreme Court of Canada has adopted a broad view of internet privacy—at least in the criminal and public authority context—finding that internet...more

Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry of Canada Releases Proposed Amendments to the Digital Charter Implementation Act

On September 26, 2023, the House of Common's Standing Committee on Industry and Technology (the Standing Committee) embarked on a comprehensive examination of Bill C-27, the Digital Charter Implementation Act. If passed, this...more

WPC 2023 Day Three: AI in the Energy Industry—Making Sense of the Noise

There is a lot of noise around using artificial intelligence (AI) in the energy industry. Bennett Jones' Sébastien Gittens helped make sense of it on Day Three of the World Petroleum Congress in Calgary. He spoke with...more

Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI): Canadian Government Continues to Clarify Use of Generative AI Systems

The Canadian government continues to take note and react to the widespread use of generative artificial intelligence (AI). Generative AI is a type of AI that generates output that can include text, images or other materials,...more

Boom in Hydrogen Technology: Patents Fueling Later-Stage Investments, Recent Report Finds

A recent report—jointly published by the International Energy Agency (IEA) and the European Patent Office (EPO)—earlier this year (Joint Report), highlights the growing number of patent filings in the hydrogen sector. A key...more

New Practice Directions Consider Artificial Intelligence in Court Submissions

The use of artificial intelligence (AI) in the preparation of materials filed with the courts has been the subject of recent practice directions, with certain Canadian courts requiring that any reliance on AI by a litigant...more

Artificial Intelligence—A Companion Document Offers a New Roadmap for Future AI Regulation in Canada

Artificial intelligence (AI) regulation in Canada may be around the corner and could affect all types of organizations involved with AI systems in commercial contexts. A new companion document, for the Artificial Intelligence...more

Electric Contracts for Electric Vehicles: The Key Considerations

​​​​​​​Approximately 24 percent of Canada's greenhouse gas emissions come from the transportation sector. Legislation and regulations are being used to address these emissions by bringing in mandatory requirements....more

Heightened Privacy Obligations for Public Bodies in British Columbia

Amendments to British Columbia’s Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA) taking effect on February 1, 2023, will impose more stringent privacy requirements on provincial public bodies, such as hospitals,...more

Federal Government Introduces Cybersecurity Legislation to Protect Critical Infrastructure

On June 14, 2022, federal Public Safety Minister Marco Mendicino introduced Bill C-26, An Act Respecting Cyber Security (ARCS). Intended to strengthen cybersecurity of vital services and vital systems, this proposed...more

Privacy Reforms Now Back Along with New AI Regulation

Understanding the Draft of the Consumer Privacy Protection Act and Artificial Intelligence and Data Act - On June 16, 2022, the Digital Charter Implementation Act, 2022 (DCIA) was introduced as Bill C-27. The DCIA will...more

Alberta Introduces Strategy to Advance the Province as an International Leader in Technology and Innovation

On April 12, 2022, the Government of Alberta released its Alberta Technology and Innovation Strategy (ATIS) that adds further details in fulfilling Alberta's Recovery Plan announced in June 2020, and complements the...more

OSFI Calls for Consultation on Draft Guidelines for Technology and Cyber Risk Management

On November 9, 2021, the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions (OFSI) launched a three-month public consultation on the Draft Guideline B-13: Technology and Cyber Risk Management....more

The Tort of "Public Disclosure of Private Facts" Now Recognized in Alberta

In ES v Shillington, 2021 ABQB 739 [Shillington], the Alberta Court of Queen's Bench recognized the tort of public disclosure of private facts for the first time in Alberta. This decision expands remedies available to...more

Alberta Government Seeks Feedback on Privacy Legislation

The Ministry of Service Alberta is seeking public input on the province's statutory privacy protections. This follows Ontario's recent gesture to modernize its privacy framework and request feedback, which we discussed in...more

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