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Minimum HSR Reporting Threshold Climbs to US$126.4 Million

The minimum size-of-transaction threshold will increase from US$119.5 million to US$126.4 million, a more modest percentage increase than in recent post-pandemic years. Annual adjustments to dollar-based HSR reporting...more

Minimum HSR Reporting Threshold Reaches All-Time High of US$119.5 Million

Tracking the economy’s continued growth and the resulting increase in GNP, the HSR filing thresholds increased by about 7.3 percent. The new minimum size-of-transaction threshold increased from US$111.4 million to...more

Hart-Scott-Rodino Annual Adjustments Announced for 2023; New Merger Filing Fees to Take Effect in February

Following a robust growth in GNP, the HSR filings thresholds increased by about 10.3 percent. The new minimum size-of-transaction threshold increased from US$101.0 million to US$111.4 million....more

Significant Changes to Hart-Scott-Rodino Filing Fees and Disclosure Requirements Enacted

The newly enacted Merger Filing Fee Modernization Act significantly changes filing fees for HSR filings. The changes are expected to take effect in 2023; the exact date is still to be announced....more

Hart-Scott-Rodino Annual Increases Announced; New Thresholds To Go Into Effect In Late February

On January 27, 2020, the U.S. Federal Trade Commission ("FTC") announced in the Federal Register that the dollar-based thresholds applicable to the Hart-Scott-Rodino (“HSR”) premerger notification program will be raised about...more

HSR Filing Threshold Increases to US$84.4 Million

The U.S. Federal Trade Commission (“FTC”) announced on January 26, 2018, that the dollar-based thresholds applicable to the Hart-Scott-Rodino (“HSR”) premerger notification program will be raised about 4.4 percent from the...more

HSR Filing Threshold Increases to US$80.8 Million

The U.S. Federal Trade Commission (“FTC”) announced on January 19, 2017 that the dollar-based thresholds applicable to the Hart-Scott-Rodino (“HSR”) premerger notification program will be raised about 3.3 percent from the...more

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