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English Arbitration Act 2025 – Bill Becomes Law

The long-awaited Arbitration Act 2025 (the “2025 Act”) finally received Royal Assent on 24 February 2025, paving the way for significant refinement of the Arbitration Act 1996 (the “1996 Act”) and the conduct of arbitration...more

Depositions in Germany: How to Depose a Witness in Germany for Litigation in the United States

Disputes determined by German courts do not involve pre-trial discovery or depositions. In fact, depositions are entirely foreign to the German legal system, and German law excludes taking evidence without the presence of a...more

Saudi Arabia's New Civil Code: A Closer Look at Liquidated Damages

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, through its new Civil Code, has again signaled its intention to welcome the international business community to contract in the Kingdom under the laws of its legal system. One aspect of the new...more

Renewable Energy in Asia: Recent and Upcoming Trends

As the world pushes towards reducing emissions and reaching net zero, we have all seen the increase in renewable energy projects, and Asia is no exception. Asia is a continent of great potential when it comes to renewable...more

Arbitration Update: is DIAC Set to Become the Pre-Eminent Arbitral Institution for Disputes in the Middle East?

The Dubai International Arbitration Centre (“DIAC”) has issued the new DIAC Arbitration Rules 2022 (the “2022 Rules”). The 2022 Rules were approved by the DIAC Board of Directors and took effect from 21 March 2022. The aim of...more

Modern Slavery & The Hotel Industry: Best Practice Guidance for Franchising

Despite growing international awareness and legislation, the hotel industry remains a hot spot for human rights abuses due to the nature of the industry and the franchise system. ...more

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