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Failing to Prepare is Preparing to Fail: UK Government Proposes ‘Failure to Prevent Fraud’ Corporate Criminal Offence

Economic crime has risen to such a level that UK Finance, a trade association for the UK banking and financial services sector, considers financial fraud to be a “national security threat”. Over £750,000,000 was stolen from...more

Alert: Remaining Vigilant to Compliance and Enforcement Concerns in Times of Crisis

In times of increased financial stress—and particularly during times of financial shock where expectations and reality diverge significantly and rapidly—internal and external pressures can lead to risk-taking with lasting...more

Alert: Civil Claims for Bribery: an Overview of the English and Common Law Position

Take a simple bribery scenario. A foreign Government Minister is the key decision-maker for the award of a contract to build and operate infrastructure, say a toll road. A UK contractor wins the contract in a purportedly...more

Alert: Suing Bribing Competitors for Lost Profits

Companies are competing to win a contract. One pays a bribe to exclude its competitor from the bidding process, or to win the contract. If caught, it faces prosecution under the UK's Bribery Act 2010, as do its bribing...more

Alert: Recovering the Proceeds of Corruption: How States Can Recover Stolen Assets

Cooley discusses the legal options open to states seeking to locate, freeze and recover the proceeds of corruption laundered to foreign states, and considers their advantages and disadvantages. Corruption cases are...more

Alert: Who Owns a Bribe: the Bribed Public Official or the Defrauded State?

A public official receives a bribe to award a contract. Does the bribe "belong" to the official or to the state that he or she represents? The answer to the question can matter a great deal to the success of a claim. But the...more

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