Latest Posts › Estate Tax


Supreme Court Issues Ruling Affecting Valuation of Closely Held Corporations Employing Life-Insurance-Funded Redemption-Type...

Improperly structured buy-sell agreements for closely held businesses will lead to an unexpected increase in the estate tax imposed on the estate of the deceased owner. The Supreme Court decision emphasizes the need for a...more

Avoiding Zero Basis for Inherited Assets

Practitioners involved with the administration of trusts and estates of a decedent may be confronted with the issue of dealing with one or more assets of a decedent discovered after the administration is believed to have been...more

Increasing the Available Gift and Estate Tax Exemption for a Surviving Spouse

In planning for the estate of a surviving spouse, the availability of the unused gift and estate tax exemption of his or her deceased spouse can be important, and particularly so with the impending reduction of the exemption....more

Estate Planning Provisions of the New Tax Plan

On Monday, September 13, 2021, the House Ways & Means Committee released a draft tax plan which provides the clearest direction to date on how Democrats intend to use the estate and gift tax regimes to pay for part of the...more

The Perfect Storm for Estate Planning Before Year End

The confluence of several factors—depreciated asset values caused by the COVID-19 pandemic’s effect on the economy, record-low interest rates, and record-high exemption amounts—have created a perhaps once-in-a-lifetime...more

Act Now to Avoid Proposed IRS Rules Which Would Eliminate Valuation Discounts for Intra-Family Transfers of Interests in Family...

Action Item: Owners of family businesses and investment entities (such as family limited partnerships, limited liability companies (“LLCs”), and corporations) are urged to consider making transfers of interests in those...more

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