2024 has been a year with a continued focus on the Nationally Significant Infrastructure Planning (‘NSIP’) planning regime by both the predecessor and current government. Reforms to make the regime faster and more effective...more
/ Administrative Procedure ,
Commercial Property Owners ,
Commercial Real Estate Market ,
Consultation ,
Energy Sector ,
Environmental Assessments ,
Guidance Update ,
Infrastructure ,
Judicial Review ,
Real Estate Development ,
Regulatory Reform ,
Strategic Planning ,
UK ,
Urban Planning & Development ,
Utilities Sector
As part of the ongoing Government reforms to the consenting process for Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects (“NSIPs”), PINS has launched its 2024 Pre-Application Prospectus. The Prospectus sits alongside a suite of...more
Included in the wide range of provisions in the Levelling Up and Regeneration Act 2023 are some important changes to the process and procedures for Development Consent Orders and Compulsory Purchase Orders. In this Insight we...more
The process of securing development consent (a DCO) for a major scheme can take many years. The decision of the Government on whether to grant the DCO is made at the end of that process and is subject to ‘judicial review’ by...more
The Government’s Action Plan on how it proposes to improve the NSIP planning process has some good ideas, most of which amount to fine-tuning rather than a fundamental change. Whilst some of the changes may increase the cost...more
/ Electricity ,
Energy Projects ,
Energy Sector ,
Expedited Actions Process ,
Expedited Approval Process ,
Infrastructure ,
National Action Plan ,
Permits ,
Public Projects ,
Real Estate Development ,
The DEFRA consultation published this month on the scope of the biodiversity net gain regulations to be introduced under powers in the Environment Act 2021, provides developers and landowners with a much clearer indication of...more
/ Biodiversity ,
Brownfield Properties ,
Consultation ,
Critical Habitat ,
Environmental Policies ,
Exemptions ,
Habitat Conservation Plan ,
Property Owners ,
Real Estate Development ,
UK ,
Urban Planning & Development