Latest Publications


Employer Responsibilities in Light of the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act

In 2023, Congress passed the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act (PWFA), a law aimed at ensuring fair treatment for workers who are affected by pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions. The Equal Employment Opportunity...more

[Hybrid Event] 2025 Employment Law Symposium - January 16th, San Francisco, CA

Please join us at our 2025 Employment Law Symposium. This afternoon program will offer a unique chance to deepen your understanding of new laws and regulations affecting employers in California. Through a series of...more

Navigating Cannabis in the Workplace: A Guide for California Corporations

The landscape surrounding cannabis in the workplace is rapidly evolving, posing challenges for California corporations and businesses to establish effective policies and procedures. As the use of cannabis, both medical and...more

[Hybrid Event] Employment Law Symposium - January 18th, 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm PST

Please join us at our 2024 Employment Law Symposium. The afternoon program promises invaluable insights that will keep you and your talent team at the forefront of California employment law trends....more

Employers Should Review Common Severance Agreement Terms Due to New NLRB Decision

Historically, employers have routinely included confidentiality and non-disparagement provisions in severance agreements with departing employees. Such provisions can be important for protecting sensitive personnel data or...more

New Laws and Compliance Updates for California Employers in 2023

California has passed several new or amended employment laws covering topics ranging from off-duty marijuana use, reproductive rights, California Family Rights Act, COVID-19, criminal law and the workplace, new avenues of...more

California’s AB2188 Now Prohibits Employee Discipline for Off-Duty Marijuana Use

A new law in California will significantly change the way employers can address employees’ marijuana use. While prior law made clear that employers could terminate employees for off-duty marijuana use, a new bill prevents...more

California Court Finds Shift Call-Ins May Trigger Reporting Time Pay

A California court has held that employees required to call their employers before a shift to determine whether they are assigned to work may be entitled to reporting time pay on days when they are not actually put to work....more

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