The U.S. Supreme Court unanimously ruled today that Title VII’s administrative exhaustion requirement—whereby an aggrieved employee first must file a claim with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (“EEOC”) or a state...more
/ Administrative Procedure ,
Appeals ,
Employer Liability Issues ,
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) ,
Exhaustion Doctrine ,
Federal Rules of Civil Procedure ,
Fort Bend County Texas v Davis ,
Jurisdiction ,
Split of Authority ,
Title VII
The Third Circuit’s affirmation of summary judgment in a pay equity case after ten years of litigation shows that even non-meritorious claims can be time-consuming and costly. As many who have been involved in lawsuits know,...more
/ Appeals ,
Civil Rights Act ,
Equal Pay ,
Equal Pay Act ,
Gender-Based Pay Discrimination ,
Pay Discrimination ,
Pay Equity Laws ,
Penn State ,
Retaliation ,
Summary Judgment ,
Title VII ,
Wage and Hour