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Just Released: OHS Lessons for Employers from King v. R., 2025 NBCA 12

On January 23, 2025, the New Brunswick Court of Appeal released its decision in King v R. This tragic case highlights critical lessons for employers, emphasizing the importance of leadership accountability, adherence to...more

When is Recording at Work Grounds for Dismissal? A Case of Nuance and Context

In an age where technology makes recording conversations easy and common, a recent wrongful dismissal case (Wan v H&R Block Canada Inc., 2024 ABKB 734) raises important questions about privacy, workplace ethics and the...more

Legal Precedent on Restrictive Covenants in Employment Agreements—A Case Study

Employee restrictive covenants are often a contentious issue, especially when employees leave to form (or join) competing firms. A recent Alberta Court of King’s Bench decision, People Corporation v Quinn et al. (2024 ABKB...more

New Alberta Occupational Health and Safety Laws to Take Force December 1, 2021

On December 1, 2021, sweeping changes to Alberta's current occupational health and safety legislation will come into force. The new laws rectify many of the previous challenges that arose from ambiguous and overly...more

UCP Introduces Changes to the Alberta Employment Standards Code and the Alberta Labour Relations Code

On May 27, 2019, the United Conservative Party introduced Bill 2: An Act to Make Alberta Open for Business. Once enacted, Bill 2 will amend the Alberta Employment Standards Code and the Alberta Labour Relations Code. In...more

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