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China Tightens Technology Export Control Rules

PRC authorities release updated Catalogue of China’s Export Prohibited and Restricted Technologies (the Catalogue), the first overhaul of the guidelines in more than a decade. Based on the 2008 version of the Catalogue,...more

Implementing China’s New Foreign Investment Law, Part Five: Exit Options for Investors of Foreign Invested Enterprises

The fifth and final installment of a series of alerts focusing on practical issues relating to China’s new Foreign Investment Law. Foreign investors seeking to exit from their existing foreign invested enterprises (FIEs)...more

Implementing China’s New Foreign Investment Law, Part Two: Accepting Foreign Loans

The second installment of a series of alerts focusing on practical issues relating to China’s new Foreign Investment Law. The two current models of foreign loans for Foreign Invested Enterprises reflect the Chinese...more

Implementing China’s New Foreign Investment Law, Part Four: Improvements to Rules on Technology Licensing by Foreign Licensors

The fourth installment of a series of alerts focusing on practical issues relating to China’s new Foreign Investment Law. China’s new Foreign Investment Law and its implementation regulations contain explicit provisions...more

Implementing China’s New Foreign Investment Law, Part Three: Changes to Corporate Governance of Sino-Foreign Joint Ventures

The third installment of a series of alerts focusing on practical issues relating to China’s new Foreign Investment Law. There are major differences in the requirements on corporate governance and decision-making...more

Implementing China’s New Foreign Investment Law, Part One: Reporting Requirements

The first installment of a series of alerts focusing on practical issues relating to China’s new Foreign Investment Law. The law institutes new reporting requirements for foreign investors....more

Implementing China’s New Foreign Investment Law

This series of alerts focuses on practical issues relating to China’s new Foreign Investment Law, which came into effect at the beginning of 2020. A single new law now encompasses the three business forms that foreign...more

China Promulgates Its Long-Awaited Civil Code

The PRC issues a 1,260-article, comprehensive Civil Code covering all aspects of civil and business life in China. It becomes effective on January 1, 2021. China has passed its first-ever Civil Code, which will come into...more

COVID-19, Corruption and Money Laundering – Managing Risk and Avoiding the Coming Wave of Enforcement

If past crises are any guide, public outcry for accountability, media attention and vigorous enforcement is likely in the wake of the pandemic. Corruption, fraud and money laundering are ever-present risks during the...more

China Publishes Best Practices for Protection of Personal Information

On March 6, 2020, the State Administration of Market Regulation of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) and the Standardization Administration of the PRC published an updated version of the “Information security...more

Collection and Use of Personal Information during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Q&A from a Chinese Law Perspective

Despite a decline in new cases of the COVID-19 coronavirus transmitted within China, authorities are carefully screening international travelers and collecting personal information from them. Authorized Chinese government...more

China Enacts New Foreign Investment Law

Amid stark slowdown in output growth and trade disputes with U.S., PRC authorities speed up issuance of legislation to encourage investment from abroad. Law affirms equal legal standing of foreign-backed enterprises and...more

China Updates New Industry Catalogue - PRC reduces regulatory procedures for foreign investments following its 2016 reforms

On June 28, 2017, the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) and the Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM) of the People’s Republic of China (China) promulgated the 7th updated version of the Catalogue of Industries for...more

Proposed Changes - China’s commercial bribery laws face major revision.

On February 22, 2017, draft amendments (the 2017 Draft Amendments) to the Anti-Unfair Competition Law (AUCL) of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) were submitted to the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress...more

The New Cybersecurity Law—New Compliance Focus for Enterprises in China

On November 7, 2016, the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress (NPC) of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) passed the final Cybersecurity Law (CSL) after three rounds of review by the NPC since June 2015....more

Another Step to Speed Up the Company Registration Process in China

Under the current company registration procedures of the People’s Republic of China, before undertaking the approval and/or registration procedures for establishing a company, the investor(s) of a new company must first file...more

China Simplifies Its Legal Administration of Foreign Direct Investments

In order to implement the State Counsel’s decision issued on September 3, 2016 (State Counsel’s Decision), which simplifies the original substantive review and approval process (Approval System) to a new simple filing system...more

Reforming China’s Legal Administration of Foreign Direct Investments: A Shift from the Substantial Review and Approval System to...

As of October 1, 2016, the current substantial examination and approval process required by the approval authorities (Approval Authorities, i.e., the Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM) or its local counterparts) for the...more

Implementation of Policy Allowing Complete Foreign Ownership in E-Commerce Operations Nationwide in China

The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology Issues the First Value-Added Telecom Services License to an E-Commerce Wholly Foreign Owned Enterprise. Background - Historically, foreign investors were...more

China Competition Authority Initiates Drug Pricing Investigation

On May 22, 2015, the National Development and Reform Commission (the NDRC) of China promulgated a notice (the Pricing Investigation Notice) announcing that it would carry out a nationwide drug pricing investigation on...more

National People’s Congress of China Approves Law on Foreign NGOs

On April 28, 2016, the 20th meeting of the 12th Standing Committee of the National People's Congress (NPC) of China approved The Law on the Administration of Activities by Foreign Non-Governmental Organizations within the...more

China Aims to Strengthen Regulations on Commercial Bribery

Recently, the Legal Affairs Office of the State Council released draft amendments (Draft Amendments) to the Anti-Unfair Competition Law (AUCL) of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) for public comments. The Draft Amendments...more

UN and U.S. Sanctions Target North Korea: Impacts for Asia and Beyond

The United Nations and United States recently took significant new steps to expand sanctions on North Korea, with implications for international banking; shipping and port activities; air transport; energy and mining sectors;...more

UN and U.S. Sanctions Target North Korea: Impacts for Asia and Beyond

The United Nations and United States recently took significant new steps to expand sanctions on North Korea, with implications for international banking; shipping and port activities; air transport; energy and mining sectors;...more

China’s Draft Cybersecurity Law – A New Regime for Network Security

China’s current leadership has attached significant attention to network security, which is deemed to be a core aspect of national security. In early 2014, China’s President, Xi Jinping, who is also the head of the Office for...more

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