Most of the potential complications and outcomes outlined above were not considered by the US Congress and other WTO members, which previously considered only conventional businesses competing among themselves when drafting...more
Since at least the 1970s and the publication of Milton Friedman's "shareholder primacy" doctrine, throughout the hostile takeover business culture of the 1980s, and during the more recent linking of executive compensation to...more
/ Board of Directors ,
Consumers ,
Corporate Executive Boards ,
Corporate Governance ,
Corporate Social Responsibility ,
Environmental Social & Governance (ESG) ,
Executive Compensation ,
Investment ,
Investors ,
Shareholders ,
Stakeholder Engagement ,
Frederick Alexander, Chief Executive Officer and founder of the Shareholder Commons—a nonprofit organization focused on issues and structures for a sustainable, just economy— discusses how systemic changes can help companies...more
/ Corporate Governance ,
Corporate Social Responsibility ,
Disclosure ,
Environmental Social & Governance (ESG) ,
Investment ,
Investors ,
Safe Harbors ,
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) ,
Shareholders ,
Sustainability ,
Sustainable Business Practices
Holly Ensign-Barstow, the Director of Stakeholder Governance and Policy for B Lab, a nonprofit that certifies companies as B Corporations, describes the benefits of making sure a company's operations and business model...more