Now’s the time to review your GST tax exposure
Absent congressional action this year, the federal gift and estate exemption and the generation-skipping transfer (GST) tax exemption (currently $13.99 million) are scheduled...more
Managing your residuary estate -
Even with a comprehensive estate plan, it’s likely you’ll have some assets in a residuary estate. Like the sediment at the bottom of your glass after you finish a fine wine, an estate plan...more
Loan or gift?
Handle intrafamily transfers with care -
If you’re like most people, an important goal of estate planning is to provide financial assistance to your children or other loved ones, ideally at the lowest...more
Moving to another state?
Revisit your estate plan -
If you recently relocated to a new state — or you’re planning such a move — it’s a good idea to review and update your estate plan. You won’t have to throw out your...more
Employee stock ownership plan -
A versatile business exit and estate planning tool -
If you own a closely held business, a significant portion of your wealth may be tied up in it. So, to prepare for retirement and...more
Sharing is caring -
How much should you tell your loved ones about your estate plan?
After you’ve created your estate plan, it’s important to consider how much information you should disclose to your loved ones about...more
Revocable trusts -
Don’t forget to fund the trust throughout your lifetime -
Many estate plans are built around revocable trusts (sometimes called “living trusts”). These trusts allow you to 1) avoid the time, expense...more
Married couples: Joint or separate trusts?
Revocable trusts are a key component of many estate plans. Among other things, these trusts allow you to minimize probate expenses, keep your financial affairs private and provide...more
How planning can minimize the impact of income taxes -
Until recently, estate planning strategies generally focused on removing as much wealth as possible from one’s estate to avoid the bite of federal estate tax....more
Preparing for 2026 -
Four ways to build flexibility into your estate plan -
January 1, 2026, is a significant date for estate planning. On that day, the federal gift and estate tax exemption amount set by the Tax Cuts...more
Estate planning in a digital world -
Today, virtually everyone owns (or licenses) digital assets, from email and social media accounts to digital photos and videos to online banking and brokerage accounts. Unlike...more
SECURE 2.0 provides a boost to your retirement and estate plans -
The SECURE 2.0 Act of 2022 (SECURE 2.0) expands on the changes made by the Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement Act of 2019 (SECURE Act)....more