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The Payments Newsletter including Digital Assets and Blockchain, February 2025

Key developments of interest over the last month include: a new Bill containing detailed new information and account direct deduction obligations for banks and EMIs being introduced to the UK Parliament; the issuing of a...more

Comparative Guide: DLT and Innovations in Wholesale Settlement in Central Bank Money (UK)

In our previous Comparative Guide, we explored innovations in private forms of digital money and money-like instruments available to retail customers, including fiatreferencing stablecoins, e-money and tokenised deposits. As...more

The Payments Newsletter including Digital Assets and Blockchain, November 2024

Key developments of interest over the last month include: the UK Chancellor of the Exchequer makes her first Mansion House speech and HM Treasury publishes the National Payments Vision, indicating a focus on economic growth...more

UK Chancellor of the Exchequer’s Mansion House speech (14 November 2024) – summary of key initiatives

At her inaugural Mansion House speech on 14 November 2024, the Chancellor of the Exchequer outlined a number of key policy initiatives for the UK financial services sector. This note sets out the main initiatives, which...more

Silicon Valley Bank UK Limited FAQs

Silicon Valley Bank (SVB), the US’s 16th largest bank, was closed on Friday 10th March 2023. SVB’s UK operations were conducted through its subsidiary, Silicon Valley Bank UK Limited (SVBUK). ...more

Financial Institutions Horizons 2023

The outlook for 2023 looks uncertain, following another tumultuous year. The collapse of a number of large cryptocurrency exchanges has shone another spotlight on the digital asset market. The financial system’s resilience...more

Financial Institutions Horizons 2022

At our recent global conference we held in partnership with Global Digital Finance, our keynote speaker suggested that the three major drivers for financial institution regulators and policy makers for the next few years...more

Central bank digital currencies – the end of money as we know it?

Retail Central Bank Digital Currencies or “CBDCs” are hot right now with estimates that as many as 80% of the world’s central banks are engaged in pilots or other activities. The Bank of England, the European Central Bank...more

Global Payments Newsletter, February 2021

Key developments of interest over the last month include: • United Kingdom: The Payment Systems Regulator (PSR) has published two calls for views, one of which focuses on authorised push payment (APP) scams and the other on...more

Financial Institutions Horizons 2021

Financial Institutions Horizons is a snapshot of key legal topics and market trends across the globe, shaping the future of the financial institutions market. When we conceived the Horizons series in 2018, the financial...more

COVID-19: Summary of National Payment Moratoria Measures in Europe (UPDATED)

Our note summarises key national payment moratoria measures and other reliefs related to the COVID-19 pandemic which have been introduced in various European countries and which are relevant in the context of structured...more

COVID-19: Summary of National Payment Moratoria Measures in Europe

The current situation is fast-moving. The information below reflects our understanding of payment moratoria measures and other reliefs related to the COVID-19 pandemic as at 9 June 2020. In many cases the legislation,...more

COVID-19: Measures taken by financial supervisory authorities in certain jurisdictions - as at 17 April 2020

The current situation is fast-moving in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. Many financial supervisory and regulatory authorities as well as local governments have issued measures which are relevant for financial institutions...more

COVID-19: Summary of National Forbearance Measures in Europe - April 2020

INTRODUCTION - The current situation is fast-moving. The information below reflects our understanding of forbearance measures and other reliefs related to the COVID-19 pandemic as at 2 April 2020. In many cases the...more

UK Payments and Retail Banking Regulation The Year Ahead 2019

Disruption continues to be the norm for those in the payments and retail banking sectors. 2018 was dominated by preparations, or talk about preparations, for Brexit and 2019 started out in the same vein, with many firms...more

FCA finalised guidance on fairness of variation terms in financial services consumer contracts: the devil's in the detail

The FCA published their finalised guidance on the fairness of variation terms in financial services consumer contracts under the Consumer Rights Act 2015 on 19 December 2018....more

UK PSD2 implementation gathers pace - draft regulations published

HM Treasury has today published a consultation paper and draft Payment Services Regulations 2017 for a short 6 week consultation period ending on 16 March 2017. The consultation paper states that the Government aims to...more

Online banking The CJEU provides a durable approach for industry

Content Services created a cloud of uncertainty on whether online banking can be used to "provide" prescribed information. The recent Advocate General opinion in the BAWAG case distinguished Content Services and took a more...more

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