CPLR 3213, which is a procedural device permitting a plaintiff, under certain circumstances, to obtain summary relief at the very beginning of a lawsuit, provides, in pertinent part:
When an action is based upon an...more
By Jonathan H. Freiberger Today’s article relates to renewal judgments under CPLR 5014 in the face of potentially defective service of process. This BLOG has previously addressed CPLR 5014...more
Most often a lawsuit begins with the filing of a summons and complaint or summons with notice. CPLR 304. Once the lawsuit is commenced, the plaintiff is required to serve the defendant(s) with process – the event by which...more
/ Business Entities ,
Complaint Procedures ,
Filing Requirements ,
Judgment on the Merits ,
Limited Liability Company (LLC) ,
Limited Partnerships ,
Money Judgment ,
Negotiations ,
Partnerships ,
Personal Jurisdiction ,
Service of Process ,
Summons ,