Important note: These rules – except as described below – are applicable to All institutions participating in the Title IV programs.
The deadline for affected institutions to file reports with the Department of Education...more
As with many other areas of financial aid management discussed in our prior posts, the audit requirements relating to compliance with the “90/10 Rule” have increased significantly in ED’s new Audit Guide. These new...more
As noted in our previous blog post on ED’s new Audit Guide, for the first time ED is requiring that independent audit firms conduct extensive testing relating to Gainful Employment (GE) data reporting and mandated disclosures...more
In this, the first in a series of client alerts that will explain the workings of the new Borrower Defense to Repayment Rule (BDTR), we explore what promises to be a series of rules, procedures and interpretations to be...more
The US Department of Education just announced its intent to issue the first set of official Debt to Earnings Rates ("D/E Rates") under the Gainful Employment Rule ("GE Rule") in January 2017. That timing would be consistent...more
The US Department of Education has announced another delay in the distribution of the Completer Lists for Gainful Employment programs until Spring 2016, which is bound to push back the date for ED to issue the first set of...more
With a second court ruling in late June in favor of the U.S. Department of Education, the Gainful Employment Rules ("GE Rules") took effect on July 1, 2015. The GE Rules will, ultimately, provide new challenges to the...more
/ Accreditation ,
Certifications ,
Colleges ,
Deadlines ,
Disclosure Requirements ,
Filing Deadlines ,
Gainful Employment ,
Reporting Requirements ,
Student Loans ,
Students ,
Title IV ,
The Department of Education published another announcement in its series of Electronic Announcements ("EAs") last week, as it prepares to implement the new Gainful Employment ("GE") regulations. Those regulations are...more