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Trump’s Executive Orders Considered: Implications for Private Employers – Part Two

President Trump issued an unprecedented number of executive orders in his first week in office. In our previous update on January 27, we discussed the orders directing the elimination of diversity, equity and inclusion...more

Trump’s Executive Orders Considered: Implications for Private Employers

During his first week in office, President Trump issued an unprecedented number of executive orders, including orders to eliminate diversity, equity, and inclusion (“DEI”) programs within federal agencies and government...more

Key Reopening Issues & Considerations for Massachusetts Employers

In our recent webinar, Moving Forward: Key Reopening Issues & Considerations, Goulston & Storrs attorneys explored the new set of challenges employers face as Massachusetts lifts the remaining COVID-19 restrictions....more

Identifying and Implementing Meaningful Cultural Change in College Athletic Departments

Black Lives Matter! The Killing of George Floyd! Taking a Knee! The current and historic legacy of discrimination based on race and gender is on the front pages of our papers and our digital news feeds. It also should be...more

Principles for a Successful Return to the Workplace

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced us to reevaluate almost all areas of our life, including redefining the employment relationship. Our return to the workplace, like our return to society, must be structured around collective...more

Model Screening Questionnaire

Have you been self-isolating (and following social distance and face-covering protocol when leaving your residence) for the past 14 days, alone or with others, all of whom also have been self-isolating? ...more

COVID-19 Safety Checklist for Reopening Your Workplace

Step 1: Prepare for employees to return to the workplace. Assess the risk level of your workplace according to OSHA Guidelines. Lower exposure risk (caution) jobs are those that do not require contact with people known to...more

Summary of CARES Act

CARES Act (Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act) - Below is a summary of certain provisions of HR 748, the bill approved by the Senate on March 25, 2020.  Please note that the legislation still requires...more

Managing your Workforce in Unprecedented Times

The novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has reached almost all U.S. states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico.  It appears that COVID-19 originated in China’s Hubei province and it presents the greatest risk to...more

Department of Labor Doubles Salary Basis Test for Overtime Exemption

In 2014, President Obama signed a Presidential Memorandum directing the Department of Labor (DOL) to update the regulations defining which workers are protected by the Fair Labor Standard Act's (FSLA) minimum wage and...more

NLRB Issues Significant Ruling on “Joint Employer” Issue

In December 2014, we reported that the General Counsel of the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) had issued 13 complaints naming McDonald's as a “joint employer” of the employees at its franchisees. The complaints alleged...more

Attorney General Issues Final Regulations to the New Earned Sick Leave Law

On June 19, 2015, the Office of the Attorney General (the “AGO”) published the final regulations (940 CMR 33.00 et seq.) to the Massachusetts Earned Sick Leave Law (G.L. c. 149, § 148C). The final regulations provide much...more

It’s Time to Give Your Hiring Processes a Check-up. Are They Compliant?

As your prospective employees are brushing up on their interview skills, it’s also a good time to ensure your hiring practices and procedures are in order.  A regular review of employment application processes will keep them...more

Massachusetts Expands Parental Leave Rights

Effective April 7, 2015, Massachusetts employers with six or more employees must provide childbirth leave on a gender neutral basis.  Under a new Parental Leave Act law (“PLA”) signed by former Governor Deval Patrick on the...more

Massachusetts Voters Guarantee Sick Leave

As we ring in the New Year, many employers take the opportunity to review their personnel policies to ensure that they are up to date. Leave laws often are at the forefront of new developments. Here in Massachusetts, voters...more

NLRB Claims McDonalds Is “Joint Employer” of Franchisee Employees

On December 19, the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) issued 13 complaints naming McDonalds as a “joint employer” of the employees at its franchisees....more

Hostile Doesn’t Mean MEAN: Understanding Employment Law

Dealing with employees also means dealing with their misconceptions about employment law. This blog entry highlights some of these misconceptions and reminds employers of the significance of employment at will....more

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