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President Trump Mandates Unprecedented Agency Review of Rules and Enforcement Actions

As companies and others in the regulated community continue to evaluate their strategies in light of the Trump administration’s rollout of its deregulatory agenda, we highlight a notable executive order (EO), Executive Order...more

Environmental Enforcement Update: Supplemental Environmental Projects and Mitigation in the Second Trump Administration

Summary/Key Takeaways - In recent years, federal policy on supplemental environmental projects (SEPs)—voluntary and environmentally beneficial projects resulting from negotiation between the government and an alleged...more

EPA Issues Policy to Enhance Partnerships With States

EPA’s Assistant Administrator for the Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance (OECA) Susan Bodine recently issued a new policy document titled “Enhancing Effective Partnerships Between the EPA and the States in Civil...more

As Mobile Source Enforcement Revs Up, Does UPHE v. Diesel Power Gear Presage a Wave of Citizen Suits?

U.S. EPA Clean Air Act mobile source enforcement is on the upswing. Following a recent settlement with an aftermarket automotive parts manufacturer, Susan Bodine, Assistant Administrator for EPA’s Office of Enforcement and...more

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