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NEPA: Back to the Drawing Board

Today the Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) issued an interim final rule (IFR) that will soon remove all existing CEQ regulations implementing the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). Other than the issuance of...more

President Trump Mandates Unprecedented Agency Review of Rules and Enforcement Actions

As companies and others in the regulated community continue to evaluate their strategies in light of the Trump administration’s rollout of its deregulatory agenda, we highlight a notable executive order (EO), Executive Order...more

Tracking Trump Administration Executive Orders Relating to Environment, Energy, and Natural Resources (Updated)

This advisory provides a high-level overview of executive orders (EOs) and Presidential memoranda related to environment, energy, and natural resources signed by President Trump on Inauguration Day and the days immediately...more

Tracking Trump Administration Executive Orders Relating to Environment, Energy, and Natural Resources

This advisory provides a high-level overview of executive orders (EOs) and Presidential memoranda related to environment, energy, and natural resources signed by President Trump on Inauguration Day and the days immediately...more

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