As part of its legislative arsenal to combat climate change, France adopted the Climate and Resilience Law on August 22, 2021 ("Climate Law"), providing for a large number of binding measures against greenhouse gas ("GHG")...more
/ Advertising ,
Air Pollution ,
Carbon Emissions ,
Climate Action Plan ,
Climate Change ,
Environmental Policies ,
EU ,
France ,
Greenhouse Gas Emissions ,
Greenwashing ,
Infrastructure ,
Net Zero ,
New Legislation ,
Pollution Control ,
Regulatory Reform
On January 13, 2022, the NGO Milieudefensie (the Dutch chapter of Friends of the Earth) announced that it had sent a letter to 29 Dutch companies and financial institutions considered by Milieudefensie to be "Netherlands'...more
On September 15, 2021, the Dutch Advertising Code Committee ("ACC"), regulating compliance with the Dutch Environmental Advertising Code ("EAC") applicable to all environmental claims in advertising, issued two decisions...more
On May 26, 2021, the Hague District Court ordered, in a groundbreaking decision, Royal Dutch Shell Plc to ensure that the aggregate annual volume of all carbon dioxide emissions of the Shell group, its suppliers, and...more
/ Air Pollution ,
Belgium ,
Carbon Emissions ,
Climate Change ,
Duty of Care ,
Enforcement Actions ,
Environmental Policies ,
EU ,
European Convention on Human Rights ,
France ,
Greenhouse Gas Emissions ,
NGOs ,
Paris Agreement ,
The Hague