Seyfarth Synopsis: In our fourth installment on the presidential candidates’ stances on future of work issues, we focus on their approach to training employees for a highly technical workplace, and how they plan on investing...more
/ Apprenticeships ,
Bernie Sanders ,
Elizabeth Warren ,
Employee Training ,
Information Technology ,
Internships ,
Job Creation ,
Joe Biden ,
Michael Bloomberg ,
Political Campaigns ,
Political Candidates ,
Presidential Elections ,
Trump Administration
Seyfarth Synopsis: In our third installment in where the potential Presidential candidates stand on key labor and future of work issues, we focus on the candidates’ positions on minimum wage....more
/ Bernie Sanders ,
Elizabeth Warren ,
Federal Labor Laws ,
Joe Biden ,
Michael Bloomberg ,
Minimum Wage ,
Political Campaigns ,
Political Candidates ,
Presidential Elections ,
Tipped Employees ,
Trump Administration ,
Wage and Hour ,
The Iowa Democratic Presidential Caucus historically signals who the likely Democratic Presidential Candidate will be. As we dive in to the 2020 election season, we explore the potential candidates’ positions on key labor...more
/ Collective Bargaining ,
Employee Rights ,
Freelance Workers ,
Gig Economy ,
Independent Contractors ,
Labor Reform ,
Labor Relations ,
Political Campaigns ,
Political Candidates ,
Political Parties ,
Presidential Elections ,
Synopsis: As the 2020 presidential election approaches, both Congress and the presidential candidates are taking notice of future of work issues. A newly formed Congressional caucus aims to address future of work issues with...more
/ Artificial Intelligence ,
Collective Bargaining ,
Employee Benefits ,
Employee Definition ,
Gig Economy ,
Independent Contractors ,
Labor Reform ,
Labor Regulations ,
Legislative Agendas ,
Minimum Wage ,
Presidential Elections ,
Technology Sector ,
Wage and Hour