Seyfarth Synopsis: In part one of a series concerning managing the future tele-workforce, below are some tips to navigate reasonable accommodation requests and monitor the performance of employees who will likely be working...more
/ Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) ,
Coronavirus/COVID-19 ,
Corporate Counsel ,
Employee Monitoring ,
Employer Liability Issues ,
Health and Safety ,
Performance Incentives ,
Reasonable Accommodation ,
Remote Working ,
Telecommuting ,
Wage and Hour
Seyfarth Synopsis: In our third installment in where the potential Presidential candidates stand on key labor and future of work issues, we focus on the candidates’ positions on minimum wage....more
/ Bernie Sanders ,
Elizabeth Warren ,
Federal Labor Laws ,
Joe Biden ,
Michael Bloomberg ,
Minimum Wage ,
Political Campaigns ,
Political Candidates ,
Presidential Elections ,
Tipped Employees ,
Trump Administration ,
Wage and Hour ,
Synopsis: As the 2020 presidential election approaches, both Congress and the presidential candidates are taking notice of future of work issues. A newly formed Congressional caucus aims to address future of work issues with...more
/ Artificial Intelligence ,
Collective Bargaining ,
Employee Benefits ,
Employee Definition ,
Gig Economy ,
Independent Contractors ,
Labor Reform ,
Labor Regulations ,
Legislative Agendas ,
Minimum Wage ,
Presidential Elections ,
Technology Sector ,
Wage and Hour
Seyfarth Synopsis: Maryland Governor Hogan has signed into law a new pay equity bill that strengthens protection against pay discrimination in the workplace, and prohibits employers from providing less favorable employment...more