Last month, the SEC announced another enforcement action emphasizing the need for early disclosure of cybersecurity events. In the recent action, the company had taken three weeks to act on internal alerts of malware on its...more
/ Chevron Deference ,
Conflicts of Interest ,
Controlling Stockholders ,
Cyber Attacks ,
Cybersecurity ,
Elon Musk ,
Financial Accounting ,
Internal Controls ,
Loper Bright Enterprises v Raimondo ,
Malware ,
Proxy Contests ,
Proxy Statements ,
Ransomware ,
Relentless Inc v US Department of Commerce ,
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) ,
Shareholder Activism ,
SEC Adopts Final Rules on Cybersecurity Disclosures -
The SEC has adopted rules requiring companies to provide disclosure within four business days of determining that a material cybersecurity incident has occurred, and...more
/ Artificial Intelligence ,
Clawbacks ,
Conflicts of Interest ,
Cyber Incident Reporting ,
Cybersecurity ,
Department of Justice (DOJ) ,
Disclosure Requirements ,
Electronic Communications ,
EU ,
Foreign Subsidies ,
New Guidance ,
New Rules ,
Popular ,
Reporting Requirements ,
Risk Assessment ,
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) ,
Shareholder Activism ,
Text Messages