On January 1, 2021, Congress passed the Corporate Transparency Act (“CTA” or the “Act”) to “better enable critical national security, intelligence and law enforcement efforts to counter money laundering, financing of...more
/ Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (ANPRM) ,
Beneficial Owner ,
Certification Requirements ,
Corporate Transparency Act ,
Exemptions ,
Final Rules ,
Financial Institutions ,
FinCEN ,
Foreign Corporations ,
Insurance Industry ,
Investment Adviser ,
Limited Liability Company (LLC) ,
Money Laundering ,
Pooled Investment Vehicles ,
Privately Held Corporations ,
Public Schools ,
Reporting Requirements ,
Russia ,
Terrorism Funding ,
Transparency ,
Activism is on the rise and everyone's activism defense playbook includes engagement, engagement and more engagement as the principal response.
The experts in the field are well versed in when to engage, who to engage...more