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EnforceMintz — Scienter, Causation, and Constitutional Questions: 2024’s Three Key FCA Litigation Issues

In 2024, federal courts issued a number of important decisions in False Claims Act (FCA) cases that are particularly noteworthy for the health care and life sciences industries. We focus here on decisions that further develop...more

Challenge to False Claims Act Qui Tam Provisions Fails in an Initial Attempt to Revive Long-Dormant Arguments as to...

This July, we detailed the Supreme Court’s surprising revival in United States ex rel. Polansky v. Exec. Health Resources, No. 21-1052 (S. Ct. June 16, 2023) of the question of whether the qui tam provisions of the False...more

EnforceMintz — 2022 Teed Up Two False Claims Act Issues That the Supreme Court Is Poised to Answer in 2023

Over the last year, a few important questions related to False Claims Act (FCA) cases have garnered significant attention. Two of those questions ultimately made their way to the Supreme Court. In one case, which has already...more

Supreme Court Justices Agree to Hear Second FCA Issue This Term

As many of our readers are likely aware, last week the Supreme Court agreed to hear a second False Claims Act (FCA) issue this term. Having previously accepted and heard argument on a case concerning the government’s...more

Supreme Court’s Spokeo Decision Strengthens Standing Defense For Employers In FCRA And Other Statutory Class Actions

In an important victory for employers, the Supreme Court in Spokeo, Inc. v. Robins held that a plaintiff does not have Article III standing to sue in federal court under the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) and other federal...more

Supreme Court Decision in Spokeo Breathes Life Into Standing Defenses

Court holds that plaintiff must allege a concrete injury to have standing to sue for a statutory violation; remands for further proceedings - In its just-issued decision in Spokeo, Inc. v. Robins, No. 13-1339, slip op....more

Taking an Evidentiary Approach, the Supreme Court Rules that Employees Can Use Representative Samples to Establish Classwide...

The United States Supreme Court ruled Tuesday that Tyson Foods employees could use representative evidence to establish liability and damages for class certification purposes. The opinion gives the plaintiffs’ class action...more

New York Federal Court Interprets Supreme Court’s Gomez Pick-Off Strategy Opinion Broadly; Declines Employer Request to Deposit...

Last month, we wrote about the Supreme Court’s opinion in Campbell-Ewald Co. v. Gomez, in which the Court ruled that “an unaccepted Rule 68 Offer of Judgment for complete relief does not moot a plaintiff’s individual and...more

Standing Issues Could Still Derail Google Cookie Placement Litigation

In a decision almost a year in the making, the Third Circuit’s recent opinion in In re Google Inc. Cookie Placement Privacy Litig. (3d Cir. Nov. 10, 2015), (“Google”), reversed a trial court order dismissing a lawsuit...more

A Pick Off Play Strikes Out at the First Circuit, But There Are More Innings to be Played; the Debate Over Rule 68 Offers of...

Sorry, we couldn’t resist mixing our baseball metaphors. In Bais Yaakov of Spring Valley v. ACT, Inc., the First Circuit affirmed a district court decision refusing to dismiss a putative class action as moot based on an...more

Neiman Marcus Chides Seventh Circuit Panel

Neiman Marcus Petition Claims that Seventh Circuit Decision Invents Harm to Find Standing to Bring Data Breach Claims - Retailer Neiman Marcus has filed a petition seeking en banc review by the entire Seventh Circuit of...more

Second Circuit Court of Appeals Holds That Supreme Court’s Comcast Decision Does Not Prohibit Class Certification Where Damages...

The Second Circuit Court of Appeals has released its much-anticipated decision in Roach v. T.L Cannon Corp., addressing the Supreme Court’s Comcast Corp. v. Behrend decision in connection with a wage and hour class action...more

Mintz Levin Health Care Qui Tam Update - Recent Developments & Unsealed Cases: November 2013

Trends and Analysis: ..We have identified 32 health care-related qui tam cases unsealed since last month’s Qui Tam Update. Of those, only four were filed in 2013. The majority (23 cases) were filed in 2012, with the...more

Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court Bows to U.S. Supreme Court on Class Action Waivers in Arbitration Agreements

In an abrupt but not unexpected reversal, the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court (SJC) has been forced to change its position on class action waivers in arbitration agreements in light of a new decision by the U.S. Supreme...more

Recent Class Arbitration Decisions by Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court and U.S. Supreme Court in Conflict

When a person agrees to a contract that prohibits class-wide proceedings — whether in court or in arbitration — can a court refuse to enforce that contract because it would make no economic sense for an individual to spend...more

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