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December Tip of the Month: New York Limits the Scope of Enforceable Employee Invention Assignment Agreements

On September 15, 2023, New York Governor Kathy Hochul signed into law Senate Bill 5640, which adds Section 203-f to the New York Labor Law. Section 203-f creates statutory limitations on an employer's use of invention...more

November Tip of the Month: New York Minimum Wage Set To Increase in 2024

Beginning January 1, 2024, the state minimum wage in New York will increase. Subject to limited exceptions, it will then continue to increase annually thereafter. By way of example, effective January 1, 2024, the hourly...more

New York Bans Employers From Requiring Disclosure of Personal Social Media Login Credentials

New York Governor Kathy Hochul signed into law bill A.836 on September 14, 2023, prohibiting employers from requesting or requiring employees or job applicants to disclose the login credentials for their personal social media...more

New York State Legislature Passes Bill Banning Noncompete Agreements

The New York State Assembly passed a bill on June 20, 2023, which, if signed by New York Governor Kathy Hochul, will impose a blanket ban on—and render unlawful—all future noncompete agreements. New York’s proposed law is the...more

Are We All “Manual Workers” Under New York Law?

In the retail environment, customer service is paramount. Workers spend their time answering questions, stocking shelves, organizing displays, sourcing and sizing, and, yes, even gift-wrapping sometimes. They do it all...more

July Tip of the Month: New York State’s Freelance Isn’t Free Act

On June 2, 2022, the New York State Legislature passed the Freelance Isn’t Free Act (Act). Largely patterned after New York City’s own, identically named law, the Act would amend the New York Labor Law to specify, among other...more

Florida Bans Mandatory WOKE Workplace Activities

Some employers in Florida will be prohibited from requiring their employees to attend activities that promote or otherwise endorse certain concepts related to race and sex beginning July 1, 2022...more

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