In October 2023, the Federal Reserve Board issued a proposal to lower the maximum interchange fee that a large debit card issuer can receive for a debit card transaction. The due date for comments on this proposal, originally...more
/ Chevron Deference ,
Debit and Credit Card Transactions ,
Debit Cards ,
Financial Institutions ,
Financial Regulatory Reform ,
Financial Services Industry ,
Interchange Fees ,
Loper Bright Enterprises v Raimondo ,
Proposed Regulation ,
Regulation II ,
Regulatory Agenda ,
Relentless Inc v US Department of Commerce ,
On January 24, 2024, a week after issuing its proposed rulemaking for overdraft services, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (“CFPB”) issued its proposed rulemaking on non-sufficient funds (NSF) fees....more
/ ATMs ,
Consumer Financial Products ,
Consumer Financial Protection Act (CFPA) ,
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) ,
Consumer Protection Act ,
Dodd-Frank ,
Financial Institutions ,
Financial Regulatory Reform ,
Financial Services Industry ,
Insufficient Funds ,
Late Fees ,
Overdraft Fees ,
Proposed Rules ,
Regulatory Agenda ,
Rulemaking Process
In November 2023, S.B. 668 was introduced in the Wisconsin Senate. S.B. 668 would make sweeping changes to the state laws governing financial service providers. The bill creates a pathway for the Wisconsin Department of...more
/ Collection Agencies ,
Consumer Lenders ,
Debt Collection ,
Financial Institutions ,
Financial Regulatory Reform ,
Financial Services Industry ,
Legislative Agendas ,
Money Transmitter ,
Mortgage Brokers ,
Mortgages ,
Proposed Legislation ,
Regulatory Agenda ,
In furtherance of the Biden Administration’s “junk fee” agenda, on January 17, 2024, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau issued its proposed rule to amend Regulations E and Z to regulate overdraft services provided by...more
/ Consumer Financial Products ,
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) ,
Disclosure Requirements ,
Fees ,
Financial Regulatory Reform ,
Financial Services Industry ,
Insufficient Funds ,
Overdraft Fees ,
Proposed Rules ,
Regulation E ,
Regulation Z ,
Regulatory Agenda ,
Speaker of the House Mike Johnson (R-LA) has invited President Joe Biden to give his State of the Union address to a Joint Session of Congress on Thursday, March 7, 2024. The invitation was immediately accepted by President...more
/ Biden Administration ,
Consumer Financial Products ,
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) ,
Credit Cards ,
Financial Regulatory Reform ,
Financial Services Committee ,
Financial Services Industry ,
Insufficient Funds ,
Late Fees ,
Overdraft Fees ,
Proposed Rules ,
Regulatory Agenda ,
Rulemaking Process ,
State of the Union
The U.S. Supreme Court has scheduled oral argument for Tuesday, February 20, 2024 in Corner Post, Inc. v Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. The question that the Supreme Court will decide is when a right of...more
/ Administrative Procedure Act ,
Amicus Briefs ,
Consumer Financial Products ,
Corner Post Inc v Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System ,
Debit Cards ,
Final Rules ,
Financial Services Industry ,
Interchange Fees ,
Oral Argument ,
Private Right of Action ,
Regulation II ,
Regulatory Agenda ,
Statute of Limitations
On January 8, 2024, the Consumer Bankers Association (CBA) announced the launch of a new microsite,, to demonstrate the value overdraft services provide to consumers, highlight bank-driven overdraft and...more
In November 2023, S.B. 668 was introduced in the Wisconsin Senate. S.B. 668 would make sweeping changes to the state laws governing financial service providers. The bill creates a pathway for the Wisconsin Department of...more
On September 21, 2023, with limited time to digest the comments received by September 11, 2023 from the request for information regarding medical payment products, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) started the...more
/ Consumer Financial Products ,
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) ,
Consumer Reporting Agencies ,
Consumer Reports ,
Creditors ,
Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) ,
Financial Institutions ,
Financial Services Industry ,
Medical Debt ,
Proposed Regulation ,
Regulation V ,
Regulatory Agenda ,
Rulemaking Process ,