Key Trends:
◾ Since August 2021, AGMs where shareholders were actively encouraged not to attend have become less common. Most companies are instead holding their meetings with physical attendance neither actively...more
As companies look to plan their FY 2020 annual report and prepare for the 2021 AGM season, we have reflected on our experience in 2020. We summarise below key learnings and what we think will undoubtedly be on the agenda and...more
/ Annual Meeting ,
Annual Reports ,
Coronavirus/COVID-19 ,
Corporate Governance ,
Diversity ,
Environmental Social & Governance (ESG) ,
Executive Compensation ,
Pensions ,
Publicly-Traded Companies ,
Remuneration ,
Shareholder Activism ,
Shareholder Proposals ,
Shareholder Votes ,
Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) ,
UK ,
UK Insolvency Act
On 20 March 2020, the UK Government published its Corporate Insolvency and Governance Bill (the "Bill") which amends certain aspects of current insolvency and governance legislation to provide businesses with the flexibility...more
Since our last Client Alert on Practical considerations: the impact of COVID-19 on the holding of annual general meetings, the UK Government has issued its compulsory "Stay at Home Measures" prompting ICSA to issue...more
The steps recommended by the Government to combat the effects of the Coronavirus ("COVID-19"), in particular the recommendation to avoid large public gatherings, are likely to have an impact on the format of annual general...more