At a time when purchasing power is a central and hot topic of debate, French unions and employers have agreed on a draft collective agreement aimed at allowing greater sharing of profit with employees. The draft agreement has...more
France’s decree no. 2021-265 of March 10, 2021, has modified the publication modalities of the gender equality index and has imposed specific obligations on French companies benefiting from the stimulus plan introduced by the...more
/ Coronavirus/COVID-19 ,
Employer Liability Issues ,
Equal Pay ,
EU ,
Financial Stimulus ,
France ,
Gender Discrimination ,
Gender Equity ,
Gender-Based Pay Discrimination ,
Infectious Diseases ,
International Labor Laws ,
Pay Gap ,
Wage and Hour
As prevention measures against the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic bump into the principles and guidelines of the EU General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR), the French Data Protection Authority has reinforced essential...more
In France, the Professional Future Law of September 5, 2018, amended the Employment Obligation of Disabled Workers with the aim of simplifying it and making it more effective. In addition, the Professional Future Law revised...more
Companies in France should pay attention to the date of March 1, 2020, for three reasons: First, it is the date on which the index on professional equality between men and women will be extended to companies with 50 to 249...more
A decree issued on 29 April by the French Minister of Labour completes the legislative and regulatory framework for gender equality in the workplace in France....more
The decree, published on 9 January, was issued under the act, “For the Freedom to Choose One’s Professional Future” of 5 September 2018, and introduces measures to eliminate the pay gap between women and men in France....more
In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation and the French revised law of 6 January 1978 (Loi Informatique et Libertés), any person whose personal data is being processed has a right of access which allows the...more
In anticipation of the reorganization of post-Brexit Europe, France is seeking to adapt its legal system to attract foreign banks by providing them greater flexibility. ...more
The French government completes its arsenal to fight wage inequality between men and women as it introduces the tool that will be used to measure any discrepancies in pay based on gender. Companies will be given a score based...more
Recent laws in France have focused on strengthening the fight against sexual harassment and gender-based violence, leading employers to consider the steps they must take to fight such conduct in the workplace....more
After months of debate, the French Parliament has finally voted on a law, “For the Freedom to Choose One’s Professional Future,” which introduces several new obligations for companies, including transparency requirements to...more
The latest effort by the French government to promote gender equality in the workplace introduces a number of proposals including a payroll software to identify wage inequality, transparency obligations imposed on companies...more