On February 4, 2025, the European Commission (EC) issued draft guidelines clarifying the AI practices that are prohibited under the European Union’s (EU) Artificial Intelligence (AI) Act. While non-binding, the guidelines...more
Services subject to the EU’s Digital Services Act (DSA) will be required to publish their annual transparency report by February 16, 2025. This includes providers of hosting services, online platforms, very large online...more
On February 2, 2025, the European Union’s (EU) Artificial Intelligence Act (AI Act) will start to apply in phases. This alert summarizes the new obligations that will apply as of February 2, 2025. It also indicates when...more
In recent months, politicians and regulators across a number of jurisdictions have called on operators of online platforms to take seriously their legal obligations to promote a safe online environment. The safety of children...more
/ Artificial Intelligence ,
EU ,
Internet ,
Ireland ,
Mental Health ,
Minor Children ,
Online Platforms ,
Online Safety for Children ,
Social Media ,
Social Networks ,
The firm is pleased to distribute the Q2 2024 edition of All Eyes on AI: Regulatory, Litigation, and Transactional Developments, which closely follows the evolving regulatory landscape for artificial intelligence (AI) in the...more
/ Algorithms ,
Artificial Intelligence ,
Copyright Office ,
EU ,
Federal Trade Commission (FTC) ,
Innovative Technology ,
Machine Learning ,
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) ,
Technology Sector ,
On July 12, 2024, the European Union’s (EU) Artificial Intelligence Act (AI Act) was published in the Official Journal of the EU. This was the last step for the AI Act to become law. The AI Act will enter into force 20 days...more
The firm is pleased to distribute the Q1 2024 edition of All Eyes on AI: Regulatory, Litigation, and Transactional Developments, which closely follows the evolving regulatory landscape for artificial intelligence (AI) in the...more
/ Antitrust Division ,
Artificial Intelligence ,
Biden Administration ,
Canada ,
EU ,
Executive Orders ,
Federal Trade Commission (FTC) ,
Financial Services Industry ,
New Legislation ,
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) ,
Technology Sector ,
U.S. Treasury ,
The Artificial Intelligence Act (AI Act) is the first comprehensive legislation that intends to regulate AI horizontally across all sectors in Europe. It will have far reaching consequences on all companies developing,...more
The European Union (EU) has revised its Cybersecurity Directive (NIS2). The new rules will apply to a wide range of companies in many sectors, create new cybersecurity obligations, and impose high fines for noncompliance. EU...more
On March 13, 2024, the European Parliament (EP) approved the latest draft of the European Union’s (EU) Artificial Intelligence Act (AI Act). Following this vote, the text will be sent to the Council of the EU (Council) for...more
The firm is pleased to distribute the Q4 2023 edition of All Eyes on AI: Regulatory, Litigation, and Transactional Developments, which closely follows the evolving regulatory landscape for artificial intelligence (AI) in the...more
/ Artificial Intelligence ,
California ,
California Privacy Protection Agency (CPPA) ,
Cybersecurity ,
Data Privacy ,
Data Protection ,
Federal Trade Commission (FTC) ,
Machine Learning ,
Personal Information ,
Proposed Legislation ,
Risk Assessment ,
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
In 2024, businesses will continue to face an evolving landscape of privacy opportunities and challenges, including an increasingly complex data regulatory environment that extends beyond the General Data Protection Regulation...more
In 2024, businesses will continue to face an evolving landscape of cyber threats, along with an increasingly complex regulatory environment. With heightened scrutiny from regulators, consumers, and investors, the need to...more
/ Artificial Intelligence ,
Biden Administration ,
Cyber Attacks ,
Cyber Crimes ,
Cyber Threats ,
Cybersecurity ,
Data Breach ,
Data Privacy ,
Data Protection ,
Data Security ,
EU ,
Federal Contractors ,
Financial Institutions ,
Hackers ,
Popular ,
Reporting Requirements ,
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
The EU just agreed on the world's first comprehensive legal framework on AI. After record-breaking negotiations between EU institutions, a final deal was struck late on Friday, December 8. If adopted, the AI Act will ban...more
On December 8, 2023, the EU finally agreed on the world’s first comprehensive legal framework on AI: the AI Act. EU lawmakers reached a political agreement on a series of controversial issues after record-long negotiations....more
Global approaches to regulating AI are evolving quickly, creating a complex web of requirements for companies to navigate. From President Biden's recent Executive Order on Safe, Secure, and Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence...more
/ Artificial Intelligence ,
Biden Administration ,
China ,
Compliance ,
Enforcement ,
EU ,
Executive Orders ,
Legislative Agendas ,
Machine Learning ,
Multinationals ,
Regulatory Agenda ,
UK ,
The Artificial Intelligence Act (AI Act) is the first comprehensive legislation that intends to regulate AI horizontally across all sectors in Europe. It will have far reaching consequences on all companies developing,...more
The firm is pleased to distribute the Q3 2023 edition of All Eyes on AI: Regulatory, Litigation, and Transactional Developments, which closely follows the evolving regulatory landscape for artificial intelligence (AI) in the...more
/ Algorithms ,
Artificial Intelligence ,
Automation Systems ,
Biden Administration ,
Copyright ,
Cybersecurity ,
Department of Homeland Security (DHS) ,
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) ,
EU ,
Federal Reserve ,
Federal Trade Commission (FTC) ,
Innovative Technology ,
Legislative Agendas ,
Machine Learning ,
Microsoft ,
Patent Infringement ,
Privacy Laws ,
The Online Safety Bill (OSB or Bill) passed its final reading in the UK’s Parliament in September 2023. The Bill will become law in the coming weeks, ushering in a new era for the regulation of digital services in the UK....more
/ Corporate Counsel ,
Digital Platforms ,
Internet ,
Internet Service Providers (ISPs) ,
Online Platforms ,
Online Safety for Children ,
Popular ,
Proposed Legislation ,
Safety Precautions ,
UK ,
The firm is pleased to distribute the Q2 2023 edition of All Eyes on AI: Regulatory, Litigation, and Transactional Developments, which closely follows the evolving regulatory landscape for artificial intelligence (AI) in the...more
On July 10, 2023, the European Commission (EC) adopted an adequacy decision in relation to the EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework (DPF). This paves the way for organizations to certify to the DPF, reducing friction for transfers...more
On June 28, 2023, the European Commission (EC) published a Proposal for a Regulation on Financial Data Access (FIDA). FIDA aims to create a framework through which data holders (e.g., banks, credit institutions) share the...more
On July 4, 2023, the European Commission (EC) published its proposal for a regulation laying down additional procedural rules for the enforcement of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (proposal). The proposal...more
/ Cross-Border Transactions ,
Data Controller ,
Data Processors ,
Data Protection ,
Data Security ,
EU ,
EU Data Protection Laws ,
European Commission ,
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) ,
International Data Transfers ,
Personal Data
On June 8, 2023, the UK and the U.S. governments issued a joint statement announcing that they had committed in principle to the establishment of a “UK Extension to the Data Privacy Framework,” which would facilitate flows of...more
In Europe, recent advances in artificial intelligence (AI) have given rise to intense debate over how this technology should be regulated. Companies that have developed AI tools, or who are considering implementing AI, should...more
/ Algorithms ,
Artificial Intelligence ,
Data Collection ,
Data Privacy ,
Data Protection ,
Data Security ,
EU ,
Machine Learning ,
Privacy Laws ,
Technology Sector ,