While sellers typically initiate the first drafts of commercial real estate purchase and sale agreements, some larger buyers have the leverage to require use of their own form agreements. Sellers in these situations should be...more
/ As-Is Clauses ,
Buy-Sell Agreements ,
Buyers ,
Commercial Real Estate Contracts ,
Commercial Real Estate Market ,
Contract Negotiations ,
Contract Terms ,
Due Diligence ,
Investigations ,
Liability ,
Limitation of Liability Clause ,
Post-Closing Rights ,
Pre-Closing Issues ,
Property Owners ,
Purchase and Sale Agreements ,
Real Estate Transactions ,
Representations and Warranties ,
For those of you who question whether an owner’s policy of title insurance is a waste of money, please remember that examining title is still an essential component of due diligence investigations. Real estate investments are...more
/ Acquisitions ,
Buyers ,
Financial Services Industry ,
Insurance Industry ,
Investigations ,
Investment ,
Investor Protection ,
Mortgage Lenders ,
Policy Terms ,
Property Owners ,
Real Estate Market ,
Scope of Coverage ,
Sellers ,
Title Insurance ,
Title Search
Although a majority of buyers in real estate transactions rely on their own inspections of property, most real estate purchase and sale agreements contain some seller representations and warranties regarding key factual...more
/ Buyers ,
Commercial Real Estate Market ,
Indemnification ,
Inspections ,
Popular ,
Post-Closing Rights ,
Purchase and Sale Agreements ,
Real Estate Investments ,
Real Estate Market ,
Representations and Warranties ,
Residential Real Estate Market ,