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We Never Got Married, Can You Help Me?

There have always been those couples who decide, for whatever reason, not to get married. They continue to live together and build a life together without the formality of marriage. So, what happens when a relationship like...more

When is Enough, Enough?

As I have said in this space before, I try to keep up with recent appellate decisions in the family law area, and some of the most interesting decisions from the Superior Court of Pennsylvania are those that are referred to...more

Let's Talk About Easy Divorces [Audio]

You and your spouse have agreed to an easy divorce, and you think it will be smooth sailing, however, there are a lot of considerations that need to be discussed. In a divorce, alimony, property division, child custody, and...more

Can My Kids Call My Husband “Daddy” Even if He Isn’t Their Father?

As I indicated in my last blog post, Pennsylvania’s Superior Court gave us family lawyers a nice list of issues in Rogowski v. Kirven, 2023 Pa. Super. Lexis 75 (March 1, 2023). In that blog I addressed what I call...more

Frustration Contempt

Every so often the appellate courts issue an opinion that is chocked full of issues and makes for interesting reading, at least for us family lawyers. One such opinion is Rogowski v. Kirven, 2023 Pa. Super. Lexis 75 (March 1,...more

Let's Talk About Child Custody & Adoption in Light of the Dobbs Decision [Audio]

Join Family Law partners Carolyn Mirabile and Skip Persick as they discuss how adoption and child custody could be affected by the Dobbs decision. Skip first looks at who has "standing" to fight for child custody including...more


Just about any time a client receives a decision they find anything short of a 100% victory, that client say to me: “File an appeal!” What clients need to understand, however, is that it is easier said than it is to actually...more

[Webinar] LGBTQIA+ Awareness in Family Law in Light of Dobbs - September 20th, 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm EST

Join Weber Gallagher’s Family Law attorneys for an interactive discussion concerning LGBTQIA+ family law issues and important steps you need to take in a post-Dobbs era. Our attorneys, Carolyn Mirabile, Lawrence “Skip”...more

Update on COVID-19 Vaccinations

I have written previously about children and COVID-19 vaccinations and now that it is almost back-to-school time, a quick update is in order. One of the concerns for lawyers when the COVID vaccination issue emerged was the...more

New Rule in Pennsylvania Effects Children’s Appearances in Custody Proceedings

Effective April 1, 2022, Pennsylvania revised an existing procedural rule of court in child custody cases. The rule covers appointment of an attorney for the child, the court’s interviewing of the child, and a child’s...more

Let's Talk Mediation, Arbitration, and Conciliation [Audio]

What is the difference between mediation, arbitration, and conciliation? How does each of these affect a family law case such as divorce or child custody? Who needs to be present during each of these proceedings? Learn more...more

To Vax or Not to Vax

Pfizer is saying its COVID-19 vaccine works in kids ages 5-11. You’re divorced and have two children in that age group; both live primarily with you, but they spend a few nights of the week with their other parent. Like most...more

Let's Talk Finding a Family Law Lawyer [Audio]

Do you need an attorney for your family law case? How do you find the right attorney for you? When it comes to family law, it's essential to have the right attorney by your side to help make informed decisions. In this...more

Let's Talk Family Law 101 [Audio]

What is family law, and what does it include? Family law attorney Skip Persick discusses the basics of divorce, child custody, child support, and more. This episode provides information on what is included in a divorce, how...more

Three Words: Mediation, Arbitration, and Conciliation

Mediation. Arbitration. Conciliation. Three words that sound alike and come up frequently in the family law context but have different meanings and implications. I could write a blog post on each one, but here is the “down...more

Family Law Newsletter - January 2021

School Openings and Child Custody - We live in unpredictable times. Schools are opening, schools are closing. One week they’re using a hybrid model for learning, the next week it’s completely virtual — forcing us to be...more

Let's Talk Adoption [Audio]

There are different avenues to adopt, such as step-parent, birth, grandparent, international, juvenile dependency and adult adoptions. Each family's road to adoption looks a little different. Join Weber Gallagher partner...more

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