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Taking It Offline: Why In-Person Connections Still Matter in a Virtual World

I was an early adopter of virtual networking. As an introvert and remote worker, for me, the ability to connect from my computer from wherever I am has a variety of benefits and always will – I know that I’m not alone in...more

The 2025 State of Content Marketing: What C-Suite and In-House Counsel Value Most

As we all rush to finish up our work for the end of the year, very few things will make me stop what I’m doing and focus on them – and that, folks, is what you want to achieve with your own content....more

Law Firm ILN-telligence Podcast | Episode 91: Amanda Schneider | Epstein Becker Green [Audio]

Amanda Schneider is the Chief Marketing and Business Development Officer for Epstein Becker Green, a national super boutique in the US, and the ILN's member firm for New York and Washington, DC as well as its founding member...more

Your Professional Identity: Personal Branding in the Legal Industry

Over the last few years, we have offered a program to our young lawyers, which is an introduction to the ILN that includes networking opportunities, business development, and presentations on international business....more

Turning Content into Connections: The Power of Relationship Marketing

Ever feel overwhelmed by marketing jargon? You’re not alone. Let’s demystify some buzzwords and explore how you’re likely already engaging in effective relationship-building through your content. This all might sound a little...more

Law Firm ILN-telligence Podcast | Episode 72: David Gitlin, Royer Cooper Cohen Braunfeld [Audio]

David Gitlin is a partner with Royer Cooper Cohen Braunfeld, a business law firm with an entrepreneurial spirit in Pennsylvania, and a member of the International Lawyers Network. In this episode, Lindsay and David discuss...more

Law Firm ILN-telligence Podcast | Episode 71: Sven Burchartz, Kalus Kenny Intelex [Audio]

Sven Burchartz is a partner with Kalus Kenny Intelex, a progressive, commercially oriented firm, specializing in property, corporate and commercial, and dispute resolution in Australia and a member of the International...more

Law Firm ILN-telligence Podcast | Episode 69: Galyna Melnyk, PETERKA & PARTNERS Ukraine [Audio]

Galyna Melnyk is the deputy director for the Ukrainian office of PETERKA & PARTNERS, which is also the ILN's representative for Ukraine. In this episode, she and Lindsay discuss her optimism in the current marketplace, how...more

Law Firm ILN-telligence Podcast | Episode 15: Olga Torres, orres Law, International Trade & National Security | United States [Audio]

Olga Torres is the founding partner of Torres Law, International Trade & National Security, a boutique law firm with offices in Dallas, Texas and an appointment-only office in Washington, DC, and a member of the International...more

Leadership Excellence in the Time of COVID - the Disney Philosophy we Need

It should come as no surprise that my most sought after post for this year is one about leadership excellence – in a time when many of us are trying to find our way in uncharted waters, seeking advice from someone with a...more

Law Firms: Change as a Challenge, or an Opportunity?

Four years ago, we joined with HighQ in looking at the question, “What do you believe lawyers and law firms need to do to prepare for the future of legal services?” Considering how much has happened even in the past six...more

Fixing the Two Biggest Networking Blunders that Lawyers Make

None of us are perfect networkers/relationship builders. Yes, it seems to come more easily to some than to others, but it’s not an exact science. For the most part, it’s an ever-adapting process that we’re constantly...more

5 Quick Tips to Leverage Your Use of LinkedIn in the New Year

Among my most popular posts last year were those dedicated to talking about LinkedIn, which tells me that it continues to be the tool that resonates most in the legal industry. I know that it’s in part because it’s become...more

13 Best Practices for Attending Conferences

There are only a few weeks left in the year, and although conferences are winding down, you may be planning your 2020 calendar already (or getting in a few last networking opportunities!). Even when you’re an old hand at...more

Building Relationships: Connection Through Storytelling

Daily, we interact with lots of people – this happens in person, at our offices, in the coffee shop, at our kids’ sporting events or art classes. It happens online, through our group chats, text messages with friends,...more

Putting the Cart Before the Horse: Why Building an Audience is Key for Successful Content Marketing

Content marketing can feel like the opportunity to be the author or podcaster or speaker that you’ve always wanted to be. But when done strategically, it’s about building relationships with clients and potential clients,...more

Why Does Relationship Marketing Matter to Lawyers?

I recently had the opportunity to participate in a podcast with Deirdre Breakenridge for her Women Worldwide series, discussing how to build unbreakable bonds. One of the questions she asked me to think about in advance of...more

Overcoming the Barriers to Collaboration

While being interviewed for a podcast yesterday morning, the host asked me what I saw as the primary trend for the future of law firms. Although my answer is simple, the work behind it is not – collaboration....more

Two (Easy!) Ways to Use LinkedIn to Supercharge Your Relationship Development Efforts

One of the questions I am asked most often is about how to manage relationships when we’re all so busy – and we are ALL so busy these days! LinkedIn is a great tool for professionals (even lawyers!) to employ to...more

Two Ways to Use LinkedIn to Attract Your Ideal Client (updated)

Of all the social media platforms out there, I’d venture to say that LinkedIn is the one that lawyers are most comfortable using. It has a reputation for being the most professional, and as a result, it’s had the widest...more

Nice Recovery! Fixing Your Worst Networking Mistakes

Networking is not an easy task, which is one of the reasons that we discuss it so frequently here on Zen. Since I’m spending this week with my lawyers in Milan, facilitating their networking efforts at our Annual...more

Lawyers: What Makes You Worth Talking About?

Lawyers know better than most people that words matter – after all, who knows better than a contract lawyer that a nuanced clause can make or break a deal? But who knows better than your marketing team that “marketing” is...more

5/24/2019  /  Law Firm Ownership , Marketing

You Can't Delegate Relationship Development - Lessons From Taylor Swift

Last week, we talked about channeling your inner Taylor Swift to connect with your clients – it seems silly, but no one understands her client base and instill rabid loyalty better than Taylor, and isn’t that all something...more

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