The Central Bank of Ireland (the “Central Bank”) has published two documents which are significant steps towards enhancing the private equity and private credit product offerings currently available in Ireland. These...more
On 20 June, 2019, Ireland’s government released its proposed Investment Limited Partnerships (Amendment) Bill 2019 (the “Bill”) that will update the Investment Limited Partnership (“ILP”) structure....more
/ AIFM ,
AIFs ,
Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive (AIFMD) ,
Central Bank of Ireland ,
Corporate Structures ,
Investment Companies ,
Investment Funds ,
Investment Limited Partnership ,
Ireland ,
Limited Partnerships ,
Offerings ,
Partnerships ,
Proposed Amendments ,
On 8 April 2019, the Central Bank of Ireland (the “CBI”) issued a Dear CEO Letter (the “Letter”) to the management of all regulated financial services firms (“Regulated Firms”) highlighting what it believes is a lack of...more
The Central Bank of Ireland (the “Central Bank”) has introduced welcome changes to the authorisation and post-authorisation of UCITS and Retail AIFs by applying a self-certification process to a number of actions and a new...more
/ AIFs ,
Asset Management ,
Central Bank of Ireland ,
Depository Institutions ,
Financial Indices ,
Investment Funds ,
Ireland ,
Limited Partnership Agreements ,
Mergers ,
Self-Certification ,
Share Classes ,
In a recent release, the Central Bank of Ireland (CBI) announced its intention to amend, with effect from 7 March 2018, the AIF Rulebook in relation to Loan Originating Qualifying Investor Alternative Investment Funds...more
For more than 25 years, the essential text for anybody wishing to navigate the regulatory environment for UCITS in Ireland has been the UCITS Notices which were supplemented by UCITS Guidance and then the UCITS Q&A....more