Latest Posts › Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)


Updates in Uruguay – Accession to the PCT and Announcement of a New GMO Regulatory Framework

Earlier this year, Uruguay announced two major updates in the patent and regulatory spheres that are likely to encourage outside investment in Uruguayan industry, particularly for agbiotech: Uruguay is acceding to the Patent...more

New Regulations Rooted In Evidence: Looking Back On How EPA And USDA Updated Engineered Plant Regulations And Labeling In 2023

Alongside rapid advances in biotechnology that are improving fine-tuned genetic engineering in plants, regulation for such plants is also rapidly evolving, including several important updates in the past year....more

Comment on Morphing U.S. Biotechnology Regulations

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) have recently opened requests for stakeholder engagement regarding biotechnology regulatory frameworks. These requests provide the...more

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