On 28 September 2021 the Dutch Senate passed the act ''More balanced gender composition in the management and supervisory boards of large public and private companies'' (the''Act''). The purpose of the Act is to make the...more
A Dutch employee is entitled to parental leave of up to 26 times the number of hours worked each week. This leave is currently unpaid, unless other agreements have been made, for example in a collective labour agreement....more
On 2 July 2020, the Cabinet introduced the temporary subsidy scheme ''NL Leert door''. The aim of this scheme is, among other things, to support employees who are at risk of losing (or have already lost) their jobs (as a...more
The World Health Organization has declared the outbreak of the Coronavirus/Covid-19 virus a "public health emergency of international concern". Therefore, it is recommended to prepare for the potential impact of the...more
/ Best Practices ,
Business Continuity Plans ,
China ,
Coronavirus/COVID-19 ,
Crisis Management ,
Emergency Management Plans ,
Employer Liability Issues ,
Health and Safety ,
Infectious Diseases ,
Netherlands ,
Policies and Procedures ,
Public Health ,
Risk Assessment ,
Risk Management ,
Wage and Hour ,
Workplace Safety
From 1 January 2020, the amount of the unemployment insurance contribution (hereinafter: ''WW-premium'') to be paid by an employer to the Dutch tax authorities depends on the nature of the employment agreement....more
We are approaching the end of the year. From 1 January 2020 onwards, new employment legislation will enter into force in the Netherlands. Please find below an overview of the main changes in the Dutch Balanced Labour Market...more