Earlier this month, the Electronic Transactions Association (ETA) hosted its annual TRANSACT conference to connect and educate the various branches of the payments industry. Industry leaders spoke on technology, security,...more
/ Arbitration ,
Citibank ,
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) ,
Dodd-Frank ,
Durbin Amendment Rules ,
Electronic Payment Transactions ,
Federal Trade Commission (FTC) ,
FinTech ,
Home Depot ,
ISOs ,
Kroger ,
MasterCard ,
Merchants ,
Popular ,
Self-Regulatory Organizations ,
Visa Inc
The American Bar Association’s 65th Antitrust Law Spring Meeting held at the end of March included a number of sessions with representatives from federal and state antitrust enforcement agencies. In this first of a three-part...more
/ Administrative Appointments ,
American Bar Association (ABA) ,
Antitrust Division ,
Antitrust Violations ,
Attorney General ,
Civil Monetary Penalty ,
Competition ,
Criminal Antitrust Litigation ,
Department of Justice (DOJ) ,
Disgorgement ,
Enforcement Actions ,
Federal Trade Commission (FTC) ,
Hart-Scott-Rodino Act ,
Intellectual Property Protection ,
Legislative Agendas ,
Merger Challenges ,
Merger Controls ,
Mergers ,
Mexico ,
State and Local Government ,
The Clayton Act ,
Trump Administration ,
U.S. Attorney