The health of the healthcare industry can be summarized as follows: as go federal reimbursement rates, so goes the financial viability of healthcare providers, whether hospitals, nursing homes or medical practices. These...more
/ Affordable Care Act ,
Bankruptcy Code ,
Commercial Bankruptcy ,
Health Care Providers ,
Healthcare Costs ,
Healthcare Facilities ,
Hospitals ,
Medicaid ,
Medical Reimbursement ,
Medicare ,
Popular ,
In an age of historically low interest rates, lenders rely on fee income and other devices to enhance their returns. One of these mechanisms -- and one that can have dramatic consequences for a borrower -- is the inclusion of...more
Can an equity investor who directs an insider to contribute "new value" to a debtor under a plan of reorganization, so as to retain his interest in the company, avoid an express market test for that new equity? The answer to...more
Is a bankrupt pledgor legally bound to fulfill its promise to pledge a gift; or will a nonprofit have a successful claim against a pledgor if there is a subsequent failure to make payment because of a bankruptcy filing? A...more