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Building Safety Act: Application of the “just and Equitable” Test for Remediation Contribution Orders

Section 124 of the Building Safety Act allows the First Tier Tribunal to make remediation contribution orders (“RCOs”) where it considers it “just and equitable” to do so....more

Building Safety Act 2022: changing the rules on the landlord and tenant relationship, Part 2 - qualifying lease certificates

In a previous blog, I explored one aspect of the statutory reallocation of risk for the costs of works to remedy building safety issues in the Building Safety Act 2022 (BSA 2022). The focus of that blog was the new landlord’s...more

Building Safety Act 2022: changing the rules on the landlord and tenant relationship

The Building Safety Act 2022 (BSA 2022) creates a whole new world of building safety regulation and litigation. A key legislative objective was to regulate and direct responsibility for the cost of works to remedy building...more

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