Linguistics plays a crucial role in investigations under the US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, a regulation focused on combating bribery and corruption in international business transactions. These investigations typically...more
/ Anti-Bribery ,
Anti-Corruption ,
Artificial Intelligence ,
Discovery ,
e-Discovery Professionals ,
Evidence ,
Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) ,
Fraud ,
Innovative Technology ,
Investigations ,
Pattern or Practice ,
In the ever-evolving business operations landscape, the early identification and containment of compliance risks has become a paramount concern for organizations worldwide. As someone deeply involved in both government and...more
/ Analytics ,
Artificial Intelligence ,
Corporate Misconduct ,
Data Management ,
e-Discovery ,
e-Discovery Professionals ,
Early Case Assessment ,
Electronic Communications ,
Electronically Stored Information ,
Fraud ,
Investigations ,
Legal Technology