A unanimous three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit on Thursday handed the plaintiffs’ bar a resounding win. ...more
/ Appeals ,
Auto-Dialed Calls ,
Banking Sector ,
Financial Services Industry ,
Popular ,
Robocalling ,
Statutory Interpretation ,
Telecommunications ,
Text Messages
In a state enforcement action alleging violations of California's lending law and seeking to enjoin continued lending to state residents, the California Supreme Court has ruled that the two tribally affiliated entities that...more
/ CA Supreme Court ,
Civil Investigation Demand ,
Consumer Financial Products ,
Federal Trade Commission (FTC) ,
Financial Institutions ,
Financial Services Industry ,
FTC Act ,
Internet Lenders ,
Native American Issues ,
Payday Loans ,
Popular ,
Sovereign Immunity ,
Tribal Loans
A plaintiff did not have Article III standing to assert claims under the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) for alleged autodialed calls made to her without her consent, a California federal district court recently...more
/ Article III ,
Auto-Dialed Calls ,
Banking Sector ,
Corporate Counsel ,
Debt Collection ,
Dismissals ,
Injury-in-Fact ,
Popular ,
Prior Express Consent ,
Robocalling ,
Standing ,
The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) recently held a FinTech forum addressing marketplace lending. The forum was promoted by the FTC as the first in a series it plans to hold exploring emerging financial technology and its...more
/ Banking Sector ,
Consumer Financial Products ,
Consumer Lenders ,
Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) ,
Federal Trade Commission (FTC) ,
Financial Services Industry ,
FinTech ,
Innovative Technology ,
Online Marketplace Lending ,
The new Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) exemption for calls made to cellular numbers to collect debts owed to or guaranteed by the United States applies retroactively to calls made before the exemption's effective...more
/ ATDS ,
Bipartisan Budget ,
Cell Phones ,
Debt Collection ,
Exemptions ,
Federal Loans ,
Federal Student Loans ,
Popular ,
Retroactive Application ,
A recent letter from Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Chairman Tom Wheeler describes the regulations being considered by the FCC for implementing new Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) exemptions for calls made...more
/ Auto-Dialed Calls ,
Corporate Counsel ,
Debt Collection ,
Exemptions ,
Popular ,
Prior Express Consent ,
Robocalling ,
A creditor that received a consumer's cell phone number through an intermediary had the consumer's ''prior express consent'' under the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) to receive calls from a debt collector, the U.S....more
/ Auto-Dialed Calls ,
Cell Phones ,
Corporate Counsel ,
Debt Collection ,
Health Care Providers ,
Popular ,
Prior Express Consent ,
Putative Class Actions ,
Summary Judgment ,
The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation's (FDIC) publication of an article highlighting the risks for banks that partner with marketplace lenders further underscores the focus of federal regulators on marketplace lending....more
The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has finalized changes to its telemarketing sales rule (TSR) that will prohibit sellers and telemarketers from creating or accepting remotely created payment orders or checks, cash-to-cash...more
The Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland recently issued a special report on the results of online focus groups it conducted with the Federal Reserve Board “to better understand small businesses’ perceptions of online...more
/ Borrowers ,
Consumer Lenders ,
Cyber Threats ,
Cybersecurity ,
Data Breach ,
Data Security ,
Federal Reserve ,
Financial Institutions ,
Loans ,
Online Marketplace Lending ,
Popular ,
Privacy Concerns ,
Request For Information ,
Small Business
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has recently taken two significant actions addressing robocalls under the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA)—the imposition of a $2.96 million fine and the adoption of new...more
/ Cell Phones ,
Do Not Call List ,
Popular ,
Prior Express Consent ,
Private Right of Action ,
Right to Privacy ,
Robocalling ,
Smartphones ,
Phone calls made to promote a movie constituted “telemarketing” under the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) even though the two prerecorded messages left on the plaintiffs’ home phone line made no reference to the...more
/ Article III ,
Class Action ,
Corporate Counsel ,
Do Not Call List ,
Popular ,
Putative Class Actions ,
Robocalling ,
Spokeo ,
Spokeo v Robins ,
Standing ,
The U.S. Department of the Treasury has issued a request for information (RFI) regarding online marketplace lending. The RFI reflects the Treasury Department’s recognition that online marketplace lending “is a rapidly...more
The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit has ruled that a plaintiff must show that the defendant knew its conduct violated the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) to establish a willful or knowing TCPA violation....more