On February 1, 2018, the 9th Circuit issued its ruling in Hawai’i Wildlife Fund v. County of Maui that expands coverage under the Federal Clean Water Act (CWA) to discharges of contaminants to groundwater that travel through...more
/ Clean Water Act ,
Contamination ,
Discharge of Pollutants ,
Enforcement Actions ,
Groundwater ,
Mining ,
Navigable Waters ,
Oil & Gas ,
Point Sources ,
Rapanos v US ,
Safe Drinking Water Act ,
Surface Water ,
Underground Injection Wells
On June 7, 2017, United States Attorney General Jeff Sessions issued a memorandum to all Department of Justice (DOJ) components and 94 United States Attorney’s Offices prohibiting them from entering into any agreement on...more
/ Attorney General ,
Civil Monetary Penalty ,
Corporate Misconduct ,
Enforcement Actions ,
Environmental Crimes ,
Government Investigations ,
NGOs ,
Obama Administration ,
Punitive Damages ,
Restitution ,
Supplemental Environmental Project (SEP) Policy ,
Third-Party Relationships ,
Trump Administration