Matt Bisanz interviews Georges Duponcheele of MunichRe and William Perraudin of Risk Control Ltd. about their work in developing approaches to securitization capital requirements....more
The European Union’s new Capital Requirements Directive 6 (CRD6) introduces significant regulatory changes for non-EU banks operating within EU Member States. This update explores the impact of CRD6 on US lenders providing...more
Because banks receive favorable capital treatment when a credit facility’s tenor is shorter than one year, lenders increasingly offer financing with 364-day tenors and uncommitted extension option terms of up to 364 days. In...more
On October 20, 2023, the US federal banking regulators announced that they were extending the period for public comment to January 16, 2024 for both the (i) Basel Endgame proposal to significantly revise the risk-based...more
On July 27, 2023, the US banking regulators issued a notice of proposed rulemaking (the “NPR”) to revise significantly the risk-based capital requirements applicable to large banks and to banks with significant trading...more
On July 27, 2023, US federal banking regulators issued proposals to (i) significantly revise the riskbased regulatory capital requirements for certain midsize and larger US banking organizations (the “Capital Proposal”) and...more
On July 27, 2023, US federal banking regulators issued proposals to (i) significantly revise the riskbased regulatory capital requirements for certain midsize and larger US banking organizations (the “Capital Proposal”), and...more
Banking organizations looking to reduce the amount of risk-based regulatory capital required to support residential mortgage loan portfolios can use synthetic securitization to convert the capital treatment of their exposures...more
On April 14, 2020, the US federal banking regulators held a webinar to provide further guidance on relief from the effect of the current expected credit losses methodology (“CECL”) on regulatory capital....more