Hinshaw's annual Legal Malpractice & Risk Management (LMRM) Conference is the industry's gold standard for advice on litigating legal malpractice claims and navigating legal malpractice insurance, professional responsibility,...more
It seems as though every day, there is a story in the legal news about a well-known law firm facing a disqualification motion. While disqualification motions are being filed more frequently, that is only half the story. Such...more
Hinshaw's annual Legal Malpractice & Risk Management (LMRM) Conference is the industry's gold standard for advice on litigating legal malpractice claims and navigating legal malpractice insurance, professional responsibility,...more
The duty of loyalty is the highest duty that a lawyer owes to a client. Indeed, it can be argued that all of the duties that an attorney owes to a client are derivative of the duty of loyalty. Not surprisingly, conflicts of...more
Do you have plans for March 7-9? Join us at Hinshaw's 22nd Annual Legal Malpractice & Risk Management Conference (LMRM) at The Ritz-Carlton Chicago. Register by January 27 to take advantage of the Early Bird Discount.
/ Arbitration ,
Attorney Malpractice ,
Continuing Legal Education ,
Corporate Counsel ,
Events ,
Fee-Splitting ,
Insurance Claims ,
Law Firm Associates ,
Law Firm Partners ,
Malpractice Insurance ,
Professional Liability ,
Professional Responsibility ,
Risk Management ,
Risk Mitigation ,
Settlement Agreements
Please join us for the 21st Annual Legal Malpractice & Risk Management Conference (LMRM) for one-and-a-half days of practical and engaging panel sessions focused on current and important developments in the law, litigation of...more
Please join us for the 20th Annual Legal Malpractice & Risk Management (LMRM) Conference—An All New Virtual Experience for three half-days of practical and engaging online programming focused on current and important...more
/ Attorney Malpractice ,
Continuing Legal Education ,
Corporate Counsel ,
Cyber Insurance ,
Cybersecurity ,
Data Privacy ,
Defense Strategies ,
Expert Witness ,
Law Firm Associates ,
Law Firm Ownership ,
Law Firm Partners ,
Law Practice Management ,
Legal Ethics ,
Malpractice Insurance ,
Professional Liability ,
Professional Liability Insurance ,
Professional Responsibility ,
Remote Working ,
Risk Management ,
Settlement Offer ,
Conflicts of Interest — Subject Matter Conflicts — Can IP Attorneys Simultaneously Represent Two Clients That Are Prosecuting Patents for Similar Inventions? -
Maling v. Finnegan, Henderson, Farabow, Garrett & Dunner,...more
/ Attorney Malpractice ,
Attorney-Client Privilege ,
Breach of Contract ,
Conflicts of Interest ,
Disqualification ,
Fiduciary Duty ,
Inventions ,
Misappropriation ,
Patents ,
Subject Matter Conflicts ,
Trade Secrets