Hinshaw's annual Legal Malpractice & Risk Management (LMRM) Conference is the industry's gold standard for advice on litigating legal malpractice claims and navigating legal malpractice insurance, professional responsibility,...more
Hinshaw's annual Legal Malpractice & Risk Management (LMRM) Conference is the industry's gold standard for advice on litigating legal malpractice claims and navigating legal malpractice insurance, professional responsibility,...more
Do you have plans for March 7-9? Join us at Hinshaw's 22nd Annual Legal Malpractice & Risk Management Conference (LMRM) at The Ritz-Carlton Chicago. Register by January 27 to take advantage of the Early Bird Discount.
/ Arbitration ,
Attorney Malpractice ,
Continuing Legal Education ,
Corporate Counsel ,
Events ,
Fee-Splitting ,
Insurance Claims ,
Law Firm Associates ,
Law Firm Partners ,
Malpractice Insurance ,
Professional Liability ,
Professional Responsibility ,
Risk Management ,
Risk Mitigation ,
Settlement Agreements
Please join us for the 21st Annual Legal Malpractice & Risk Management Conference (LMRM) for one-and-a-half days of practical and engaging panel sessions focused on current and important developments in the law, litigation of...more
Please join us for the 20th Annual Legal Malpractice & Risk Management (LMRM) Conference—An All New Virtual Experience for three half-days of practical and engaging online programming focused on current and important...more
/ Attorney Malpractice ,
Continuing Legal Education ,
Corporate Counsel ,
Cyber Insurance ,
Cybersecurity ,
Data Privacy ,
Defense Strategies ,
Expert Witness ,
Law Firm Associates ,
Law Firm Ownership ,
Law Firm Partners ,
Law Practice Management ,
Legal Ethics ,
Malpractice Insurance ,
Professional Liability ,
Professional Liability Insurance ,
Professional Responsibility ,
Remote Working ,
Risk Management ,
Settlement Offer ,