The licencing, sale and use of cannabis (both medically and recreationally) is likely to result in an increased risk of product liability claims on behalf of patients and consumers, including class action risk for the...more
Sales of illegal marijuana have long been subject to tax in Canada (notwithstanding the illegality of the sales), and legal sales of medical marijuana are also currently treated as taxable. From the outset, the federal...more
The extent to which the new law will restrict the advertising and branding of cannabis was, and still is, one of the key unknowns. From industry’s perspective, cannabis should be regulated more like alcohol than tobacco, and...more
Cannabis, similar to any other commodity, is subject to Canada’s customs laws respecting international trade in goods. However, in the case of cannabis, additional rules apply regarding the fact that trade in cannabis is...more
The new legislation will inevitably result in a flurry of discussions between the government and affected stakeholders....more
Bank Act -
The Bank Act gives scheduled banks the right to take security interests in farm assets, crops and other agricultural products in exchange for the extension of credit. When a borrower makes a grant of security...more
The pending legalization of non-medical cannabis raises a host of issues for employers. Upon passage of the new legislation, employers can expect to encounter difficult decisions relating to the appropriateness of drug...more
Canadian Capital Markets -
As changes in the regulatory regime open up significant opportunities in the cannabis sector, industry players will be seeking access to capital to fund growth, and investors will be looking...more