There has been a growth in the number of funds targeting the APAC infrastructure market as investors seek out greater returns. Meanwhile, public-private partnerships are likely to increase if they can overcome several...more
/ Asia Pacific ,
Equity Investors ,
Fundraisers ,
India ,
Infrastructure ,
Infrastructure Financing ,
Investors ,
Laos ,
Pension Funds ,
Public Private Partnerships (P3s) ,
Singapore ,
While investors are looking at a variety of sectors in the region, our survey reveals that roads are the top priority, while both conventional and renewable energy are still very much on the radar -
Our research shows that...more
/ Asia ,
Asia Pacific ,
Australia ,
China ,
Energy Sector ,
Foreign Investment ,
Green Energy ,
Green Technology ,
Highways ,
India ,
Indonesia ,
Infrastructure Financing ,
Japan ,
Oil & Gas ,
Philippines ,
Ports ,
Renewable Energy ,
Roads ,
South Korea ,
Taiwan ,
Vietnam ,
Wind Power
The overwhelming majority of respondents see a multiplicity of opportunities in a variety of sectors and regions. However, our survey reveals that the ‘noise’ around some investment locations may be just that—noise.
/ Asia Pacific ,
Australia ,
China ,
Foreign Acquisitions ,
Foreign Investment ,
India ,
Infrastructure Financing ,
Investment Opportunities ,
Long-Term Investment Funds ,
Malaysia ,
Mergers ,