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Luxembourg Employment Law: Top 10 Topics for 2024

Please find below a concise summary of our top 10 topics to watch out for in 2024, with some practical tips and recommendations on how to prepare and respond effectively to these challenges and opportunities....more

Hiring third-country nationals in Luxembourg: the new law of 7 August 2023 in a nutshell

If you are a Luxembourg employer wishing to hire a third-country national – i.e. a person who is not a citizen of the European Union or who is not entitled to the European Union's freedom of movement (hereinafter a “TCN”) –...more

Work-life balance: new extraordinary leaves and flexible work arrangements for employees in Luxembourg

The work-life balance of parents and caregivers is at the heart of a new law (hereafter the Law) that has just been passed by the Luxembourg Parliament. The Law (deriving from bill n°8016), which transposes the European...more

How to prepare for the new CAA circular on teleworking?

The Commissariat aux Assurances (CAA) has issued a new circular letter (23/10) that will affect how insurance and reinsurance companies operate from September 1, 2023. The circular sets out the CAA's expectations on...more

Teleworking in Luxembourg - Are you ready for 1 July 2022?

As from 1 July 2022, the Luxembourg rules on telework resulting from an agreement of 20 October 2020 between social partners (declared generally applicable by grandducal regulation of 22 January 2021) will become unavoidable...more

Soon there will be legal protection for whistleblowers. What are the employer’s obligations?

The Grand Duchy of Luxembourg has just tabled a bill aimed at transposing the European Directive on whistleblowers. Even if the bill has to go through the entire legislative process, and will most certainly see its text...more

CovidCheck will soon be mandatory for employees at the employer’s premises

The introduction of the mandatory CovidCheck regime at the workplace as of 15 January 2022, is taking shape. On 10 December 2021, the Luxembourg government supplemented Bill 7924 by adding the necessary provisions to render...more

New rules on the posting of employees applicable as of 22 December 2020

Verification or declaration by the Luxembourg user company / extension of the Luxembourg core rules applicable to employees posted to Luxembourg / limitation of the maximum duration of the posting / introduction of the equal...more

The New Therapeutic Part-Time Work

As of 1 January 2019, an employer and an employee on sick leave can agree on a “gradual return to work for therapeutic reasons”. According to the law of 10 August 2018, therapeutic part-time work, so-called “gradual...more

Employees and sickness leave: limits to protection against dismissal / Salariés et incapacité de travail : limites la protection...

Investigations of a private detective as a means of proof - As a result of the rules on the protection against dismissal, an employer may be prevented from dismissing an employee based on the submission of several sickness...more

Dismissal and substantial modification of employment contract

When internal policies increase the complexity of the legal formalities - On 29 June 2017, the Luxembourg Court of Appeal issued a decision in the framework of a modification of an employment contract (demotion to a more...more

When a hobby becomes a reason for dismissal, Facebook as supporting evidence / Quand un hobby devient motif de licenciement,...

Can an exclusivity clause be applied to a private volunteer activity? In a decision dated 30 March 2017, the Court of Appeal confirmed a dismissal with immediate effect of an employee with 18 years of seniority, for...more

Augmentation du salaire social minimum à partir du 1er janvier 2017 / Erhöhung des Mindestlohns ab 1. Januar 2017 / Increase of...

Increase of minimum wage as of 1 January 2017 - The Law of 15 December 2016 amending article L.222-9 of the Labour Code with regard to the adaptation of the minimum wage has been adopted today. Thus, backdated to 1...more

Reform of the law on parental leave: major changes / Réforme du congé parental : principaux changements

The Law reforming parental leave – which has been adopted today – aims to create a better balance between family and professional life by providing more flexibility regarding the different types of parental leave available...more

E-mails and internet use: which monitoring at work? / E-mails et utilisation d’internet : quelle surveillance sur le lieu de...

The uses of internet or professional e-mail accounts for private purposes during working hours, as well as the misuse of professional information by disloyal employees, are concerns that every employer may face. But to what...more

Criminal record: what changes for the employer/ Casier judiciaire : ce qui change pour l’employeur

The Law of 23 July 2016 regarding the organisation of the criminal record was published in yesterday’s Mémorial. Its entry into force is set for 1 February 2017. One of the essential points of the Law is the creation of...more

Release From Work Granted As From The Invitation To The Preliminary Meeting: Importance Of Wording! / Dispense Accordée Dès La...

The release from the obligation to work is only legally foreseen once the dismissal has been notified. Within the framework of a dismissal with notice, an employer may, for confidentiality reasons, want to release an...more

What About A Settlement Agreement? / Et Si On Transigeait?

In light of the inevitable uncertainty as to the outcome of judicial proceedings, and considering recent court decisions which have tended to significantly increase the compensation granted for material and moral damages to...more

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