The U. S. House of Representatives (the House) proposed two bills to “repeal and replace Obamacare” last week, and while many popular consumer protections under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) look to be...more
/ Affordable Care Act ,
Cadillac Tax ,
Employee Benefits ,
Employer Mandates ,
Flexible Spending Accounts ,
Health Insurance ,
Health Savings Accounts ,
Healthcare Reform ,
Individual Mandate ,
Medicaid ,
Proposed Legislation ,
Repeal ,
Tax Credits ,
Trump Administration
During his campaign, President-elect Trump promised to make the repeal and replacement of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) a priority. Now that the election is over, what should employers expect? We don’t have a crystal ball,...more
/ Affordable Care Act ,
Cadillac Tax ,
Employee Benefits ,
Employer Mandates ,
Flexible Spending Accounts ,
Health Insurance ,
Health Savings Accounts ,
Healthcare ,
Healthcare Reform ,
Medicare ,
Obama Administration ,
Reporting Requirements ,
Shared Responsibility Rule ,
Surtax ,
Trump Administration