A groundbreaking law in Utah is poised to shake up how minors access apps. Earlier this month, Utah’s state legislature passed S.B. 142 (App Store Accountability Act), which requires major app store providers to verify users’...more
/ Compliance ,
Consent ,
Consumer Privacy Rights ,
Data Privacy ,
Data Protection ,
Enforcement ,
First Amendment ,
Online Safety for Children ,
Parental Consent ,
Privacy Laws ,
Regulation ,
Social Media
The year 2025 is certain to be a watershed for social media legislation and litigation. As it continues to shape how we connect, share, and consume information, social media remains at the forefront of public discourse due to...more
/ Algorithms ,
Consent ,
Consumer Privacy Rights ,
Data Collection ,
Data Privacy ,
Data Protection ,
Enforcement Actions ,
Federal Trade Commission (FTC) ,
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) ,
Minors ,
Online Safety for Children ,
Privacy Laws ,
Regulatory Requirements ,
Social Media ,
State Privacy Laws
Five social media law issues to discuss with your clients -
The explosive growth of social media has clients facing legal questions that didn’t even exist a few short years ago. Helping your clients navigate this...more
/ Anonymity ,
Anti-Retaliation Provisions ,
Blogging Platforms ,
Browsewrap Agreement ,
Class Action ,
Clickwrap Agreements ,
Commercial Bankruptcy ,
Customer Lists ,
Data Privacy ,
Data Protection ,
Data Security ,
Defamation ,
Discovery ,
Discrimination ,
Electronically Stored Information ,
Employee Privacy Rights ,
Employee Training ,
Enforceability ,
Evidence ,
Facebook ,
Facebook Friends ,
False Advertising ,
Federal Trade Commission (FTC) ,
FTC Act ,
Hiring & Firing ,
Human Resources Professionals ,
Internal Investigations ,
Job Applicants ,
Mobile Apps ,
Motion to Compel ,
Online Endorsements ,
Online Reviews ,
Passwords ,
Policies and Procedures ,
Popular ,
Privacy Policy ,
Protected Class ,
Protected Concerted Activity ,
RadioShack ,
Representations and Warranties ,
Screening Procedures ,
Section 5 ,
Social Media ,
Social Media Account Ownership ,
Social Media Policy ,
Subpoenas ,
Terms and Conditions ,
Terms of Use ,
Third-Party ,
Unfair or Deceptive Trade Practices ,
Workplace Investigations
In This Issue:
- Employer Access to Employee Social Media: Applicant Screening, ‘Friend’ Requests and Workplace Investigations
- Driving Under the Influence (of Google Glass)
- U.S. Courts’ Evolving Approaches to...more
A 2013 CareerBuilder survey of hiring managers and human resource professionals reports that more than two in five companies use social networking sites to research job candidates. This interest in social networking does not...more
A recent survey of hiring managers and human resource professionals reports that more than two in five companies use social networking sites to research job candidates. This interest in social networking does not end when the...more
The Department of Health and Human Services recently amended the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act regulations (“HIPAA Rules”) in a way that may make many companies, particularly those in the technology...more